Many are finding this current experience challenging, and it is. There are challenges on many levels, even when you rise above the intense fear that has been triggered globally. However, there are interesting and unusual things happening as well. For whatever reason, it is often the challenging times that move us into the new, only because we as humans have learned to struggle so much with change.
And it may be hard to see the evolutionary change we’re in now. But even if you can’t see it, you might be able to feel it. Many have commented to me recently that they know this experience is changing us in big ways, even if they’re not sure exactly what will happen. But I’m noticing more people are beginning to FEEL what is taking place, and these are people who haven’t been doing this work of transformation. But the fact that they’re feeling shows they’re moving into the new space and the heart-based consciousness. In fact, some are moving quickly. Some are remembering who they are, beyond this experience here on earth.

Sometimes we don’t appreciate things until we don’t have them. As we’re being limited with social connection right now, we begin to recognize how important it is. So while only a couple of months ago we might have been checking our phone on our walk, now we’re actually wanting to talk to other people. To feel connected to others. Relationships with others are part of the human experience. During this current event we’re in, we’ve been given the opportunity to feel how important this is. And because we are becoming more heart-centered and moving into the unity field, we will be even more aware of this. And we will see that our relationships are evolving, as we give up trying to control how other people are and trying to make them who we want them to be, and instead allow them and support them to emerge into their own truth and magnificence. While we also go thru that process. Imagine being with a group of people who are all emerging into their own truth and magnificence as sovereign beings. How will this feel?
I am seeing some truly amazing things happen, especially related to our intuitive and psychic powers coming online. More people are having experiences related to this, seeing and experiencing things that are beyond the 3D realm. A friend called to say she had a large winged being fly right up to her to get her attention—I could see him too and he was beautiful, powerful, grace-filled and awe-inspiring—and when we tuned in he was bringing a message related to her work, to anchor and create the New Earth and to do it now, to make this a part of what she’s doing now, that we are at a critical point where we need all hands on deck contributing. That each should recognize their power to do this. He called her a New Earthkeeper. The Earthkeepers are the ones who dream the new world into being, and the New Earthkeepers make it real. They make it tangible. That’s what’s happening now. There’s nothing like a visit from an otherworldly being to make you a believer, because when they show up they’re very real. But not having such an experience doesn’t mean you’re not a part of what’s taking place, because some people haven’t had any experiences like that. But be open, it can happen. And keep picturing at least once a day what you want to create in terms of happiness, peace, abundance and Love. I live in peace. I am surrounded by Love. I am happy. Our intention is powerful. We are powerful.

Sometimes when we’re transitioning from 3D to 5D, we fall back into our old tried and true patterns as a way to handle things. But now is the time to begin to practice being in the new. What can you say that supports the new? That supports you being in the new? What can you do that takes you out of your fall-back patterns? We only learn by doing and practicing how these new scenarios work. Notice the choices you’re making. Notice if you’re being nudged or guided to make new choices. Connect to the guidance that is rising up within you.
We can all create something new now, by following what is in our hearts, by following the feelings inside us of what we want our world to look like. We’re being given a taste, skies and waters that have cleared, streets that aren’t busy, and the truth appearing all around us to make everyone realize that it’s time to be in their truth. To align with their authenticity. To enliven their divine template. We’re being given a time-out in order to take stock of where we are and where we want to be. We’re being given an opportunity to live in a new way.
And we’re moving into the earth that we’ve been creating, into the unified experience. And as New Earthkeepers, we’re each doing our part.
I have enjoyed this “time out” to relax and go deeper into what is here now. And it has been very rewarding. Thank you for the beautiful cards I received. They are life affirming and wonderful to read each morning. Today’s card was the perfect message at the perfect time as one of the things I have been contemplating is “connection”. “In our journey into Love we connect with the cosmic heart at the center of everything . . . It pulses with the flow that is the impetus for our own creations. It connects us with our own divinity and unity that links us with all.”
Melinda, so glad you are enjoying the New Earth Experience cards. Thank you so much for ordering them. And thank you for your feedback about your experience with this “time out.” It’s definitely a time to relax and go deeper.
What I have been discovering at this time of change is the aloneness is gone. I am not looking to an other on this earth to complete with. The sense of completeness is within my own Being. From this perspective it’s ok whatever “other “ is doing or not doing. There is an acceptance and love present with what is. Funny thing, with this attitude and experience the “other” seems to naturally flow with this too. The word “natural” is key. So, getting it now, we are not alone when we are all with the One. This One appears in many ways once we are relaxed in this Truth. Thank you for your lessons Terry. You are a beacon of Light showing us the way Home.
What I have been discovering at this time of change is the aloneness is gone. I am not looking to an other on this earth to complete with. The sense of completeness is within my own Being. From this perspective it’s ok whatever “other “ is doing or not doing. There is an acceptance and love present with what is. Funny thing, with this attitude and experience the “other” seems to naturally flow with this too. The word “natural” is key. Thank you for your lessons Terry. You are a beacon of Light showing us the way Home.
Elizabeth, thank you! I’m so glad you shared your experience. That is what happens and I think that’s part of why this current shut-down hasn’t felt too much different from “normal” everyday life. We do become complete and there isn’t much that we need. Thank you for everything you’re doing to anchor the light where you are, across the country. All of us are working right where we are, growing and expanding and sharing this light all around us, with everyone we can.