New Interconnection

Unusual and unexpected things are happening. We are being carried by streams of potent energy to new shores and we ourselves are new in every moment, finding out who we are as we are remade, restructured and revitalized. Situations are arising and we are responding from our unbounded heart consciousness. We may thus find ourselves responding in fresh ways, knowing we have to come from the heart to support (and protect) our tender burgeoning selves.

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Holiday Lights

As we move into our new experience we are making it our own. We’re in a beautiful process of purification. We are being shown any remaining problematic patterns that we still hold and then poof, we clear them. They go easily. We’re even looking at individual thoughts to see which are still old ones, which beliefs are clearly 3D and not yet 5D. This is how we evolve at this moment as we embrace our immensely important roles as creators. Because we are the creators of our New Earth and it is becoming clear with each passing day what a mammoth job this is. And yet each does their part.

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Segues into the New Experience

We continue to shift and you’re probably feeling these micro shifts on a regular basis. We notice that something has fallen away or we’ve shifted our view about something, creating more internal space and freedom from the old world. That’s what’s happening now—we are freeing ourselves from the old world as we expand into our newness and the worlds we are creating.

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Aligning with the New Resonance

Many of us remember past lives. I have a memory of coming to the earth 800-1200 years ago to raise the frequency. At that time, we were not successful, and we left when we saw that what we were doing was not working.

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It’s All About Expansion

Thanks to the powerful influx of energies lately, we are expanding. Wherever we held ourselves back is being expanded. We will notice these places, possibly because they make us feel off-center and perhaps upset, and as we put our attention there, we will feel softening and expansion as we invite the energy of the new heart consciousness in. Just trust. This is all about vulnerability. We’re ready for this next phase as we move even further into the unified field.

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We’re Going to Need Croissants

The incoming energies have been very strong lately. And we are growing more and more accustomed to them. In fact, we’re noticing that when we’re around heavier energies, we feel weighed down. So if we find ourselves wanting a break from the intensity, we can remind ourselves that we no longer enjoy the denser energies that are still out there.

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Joining Forces in the Heart Consciousness

In my early 20s I had an intense vision, where I was shown an event occurring later that day. It was upsetting, so I pushed it out of my mind and went ahead with my plans. Several hours later, I found myself in that exact vision as it unfolded around me, down to the smallest detail. And there was seemingly nothing I could do. I felt completely powerless. I was an unwilling participant in what felt like a movie and the details seemed set in stone.

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Divine Observer Perspective

We are moving into our divine observer perspective, which gives us a different vantage point and allows us to access the new consciousness. And doing that lets us see differently and choose differently. We see with a broader, clearer lens, bypassing the way we might interpret solely thru our ego. We see from the clarity and purity and wisdom of the crystalline consciousness. And we then act from the crystalline consciousness as well. And we can feel the alignment and freedom that creates.

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Claiming Our Authority

This past week, we’ve been experiencing our movement out of the old world. We have been seeing the new pulling away from the old. And interactions this past week with the old world have been challenging. That coupled with the fatigue and sleepiness has made it a not very productive week for some of us. We are embodying big-time all of this New Earth creational energy because…

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