The Time of the New Sun

This last week, there was an opportunity to see a rare conjunction in the sky as Jupiter and Saturn came close, at least from our perspective here on earth. This has not been visible in the night sky in about 800 years, and we won’t see it again for 60 more years.
It created what is called the Christmas star, as it happened close to Christmas, and it’s theorized this is what happened 2000 some years ago to create the star of Bethlehem. My sighting was after dark on the 23rd, when our skies finally cleared. How interesting to see this conjunction taking place now, with the return of Christ consciousness creating our new way of being at this time. We’re bringing love and healing and peace and harmony back into our lives, and we had a beautiful sight in the night sky to show us how real this is.

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Being and Holding the New

This has been a day of things appearing and disappearing, as we’re being shown how old familiar things are on their way out. The world that we’ve been a part of for our whole lives is vanishing. The new world that we are creating is taking shape inside us and being projected around us to take its place. You may be feeling the dynamics of this. We are finding quite literally that we can’t focus our attention very well on the old. We can only do it very briefly and ineffectively. Even when we focus on it, it’s still not in focus. It’s like we’re connecting with something that isn’t fully there anymore. And we are in such a new space, that we can no longer “go back” there. And every time we try to see what’s there, we have to remind ourselves: What do we want to create? It’s not about what has been created, it’s about what we are creating now, from our embodiment of our divine power as one who came to create something new. Continue reading

We Are the Gateway

Oh, the journey, it just goes on and on. Friday night was another sleepless one where I was flip-flopping around for hours feeling way too warm even tho the house was cool. We are processing such intense energy as the cosmos is converting us to the newest model of star-infused human. Friday night I was seeing the waves of light and color that have brought us our information for decades. We’re beginning to understand how much we have been influenced by this cosmic-level knowing. It has come into our core, influencing and guiding us on this earthly adventure. The inklings, the twinklings and the knowings have nudged and prompted us, given us visionary experiences and reminded us that we are here for more than we thought. Continue reading

Getting Our Glow On

It’s been an intense and interesting evolutionary week as we continue to create our new spaces around us. This week I was given a picture of what going into the old world, the 3D world, feels like now. If you’ve ever traveled by train, there’s a moment when you pass between two train cars, that you notice the two cars are shaking and moving differently as you step across into the other car. Very recently, going out into 3D to do my errands and shopping has felt like this, as if I am crossing a very rattly juncture with a leap of faith. As if I’m trusting that all the connections are secure for my required foray. Our old collapsing world is definitely no longer in alignment with us and our new creations. And fortunately we are actively creating NEW all around us, new businesses, new systems, a whole New Earth. Continue reading

A Glimpse of What’s Coming

When we’re in the thick of it with this process, sometimes what gets us thru is to see a glimpse of what’s coming. I just had one that was brief but amazing.

We’ve been dreaming our new worlds into being for a long time, some of us for years. But recently I saw that something I was helping others create, was actually creating what I have been wanting, and there it was, coming in! It was just as beautiful and incredible as I’ve been picturing. It was just a glimpse, but it was powerful confirmation. Once we have empowered ourselves to move beyond the old limitations, we can empower others by simply being who we are now and sharing what we know. Many are ready for this. They’re noticing that we’re different, and they’re paying attention. Continue reading