Acts of Creation, Acts of Courage

I want to share a story that is so representative of what we are going thru now in our great shift into newness. A friend of mine was moving locally, and she texted me that she needed boxes. Could she borrow some of mine? No problem, of course. But then I had a message that I did not share with her.: Don’t get your boxes out, allow her to create boxes right where she is. Sure enough, a bit later she texted that a neighbor knocked on her door and asked if she needed moving boxes.

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Creating Anew

There are so many good things happening now, but they are almost overshadowed by all the challenging things lately—fire, flooding, volcanic activity, earthquakes, political stuff and the transitioning of people we know and care about. It can be so hard to keep our equilibrium in the midst of all that is taking place, not only because of our own feelings, but because we can feel the collective sadness and turmoil as well.

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This Very Strong March Energy

I woke up one recent day with such a happy feeling inside. I felt like a kid again, ready to jump up and start my day. Flooding in were memories of childhood when I was happy and connected to my family. I saw the love in a new way.

After I got up, I could feel the war between the light and the dark, which is creating so much turmoil now. Many many of us are holding the light, and the light is growing by the day. But still the struggle can be felt as we see the completion of the old. Continue reading

February’s Doorways into the New

Saturday the snow was falling thick and fast where I live, not a common experience here, and in the midst of it I went for a walk. I always loved the first snow every year when I lived in the Midwest, and this was a perfect opportunity to experience that again. One of my favorite things is to walk in falling snow, especially if I know it won’t be around for months. It was snowing on the daffodils, which have been blooming for a couple of weeks now. Snowing on the fence posts and the pine boughs, on the rooftops, on the pathways, and thick flakes were piling up on my hat. It was beautiful as our green world turned white. And then it started melting. Continue reading

The Separating Worlds

This week, as the energies of evolution continue to swirl and build, I’ve been seeing just what different worlds we are each creating. I’ve been sharing in my posts how we are each creating our new worlds thru what we are thinking and dreaming into being. If we are creating from our heart, from the expansive space of love, we are going to find that these worlds are in alignment with our dreams. If we are creating from what we’re afraid will happen, we’re going to be bringing that in and our world will reflect back to us the very things we don’t want to have. If we haven’t done that all-important clearing work, clearing out the patterns of the old world that made us unhappy, then we are going to see more of that around us. Continue reading

A Glimpse of What’s Coming

When we’re in the thick of it with this process, sometimes what gets us thru is to see a glimpse of what’s coming. I just had one that was brief but amazing.

We’ve been dreaming our new worlds into being for a long time, some of us for years. But recently I saw that something I was helping others create, was actually creating what I have been wanting, and there it was, coming in! It was just as beautiful and incredible as I’ve been picturing. It was just a glimpse, but it was powerful confirmation. Once we have empowered ourselves to move beyond the old limitations, we can empower others by simply being who we are now and sharing what we know. Many are ready for this. They’re noticing that we’re different, and they’re paying attention. Continue reading