Timelines, Portals and Clarity

Juxtapositions are becoming very interesting of late. The way things are fitting together, like puzzle pieces, in ways we can’t explain and yet make perfect sense. This is happening now, all the time. It can be strange and make you ask, what just happened? And it can be surprising because it seems so random and yet perfect.

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Beginning to Glow

Strong, strong energies today, the 17th, are clearing some ancient, creaky, destructive patterns related to love and our belief/experience with the lack of it. For about 3 hours this morning I was feeling this incredibly heavy energy as it was broken apart and removed. The removal of it means people no longer have access to it to use it to do harm. Now all they have is the unsupported patterns within them, which will gradually fade. This is very telling of what is taking place now as we move into the higher frequencies of support and love of the unified field. The time has come.

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It’s Kismic (Our New Word)

We’ve been moving more quickly into higher-frequency spaces.

Since September got underway we’ve been moving more quickly thru gateways into higher-frequency spaces. So you may be noticing a couple of things. First, the old has separated even more, and second, we are feeling better and better as the rejuvenation continues. We’re feeling a new level of happiness that permeates our being. We begin to see that our own thinking has kept us down, and these patterns continue to release. The habit to think in a negative way has been incredibly limiting, and as we notice it and release it from our own way of being, we can observe it in those around us who are still actively participating in the old dynamics. Negativity is one of the biggies being cleared now. That and alcohol. Alcohol as a substance that is abused is being cleared as well. But don’t worry, the energy cocktails we’re receiving are way stronger and more supportive. Continue reading

The Separating Worlds

This week, as the energies of evolution continue to swirl and build, I’ve been seeing just what different worlds we are each creating. I’ve been sharing in my posts how we are each creating our new worlds thru what we are thinking and dreaming into being. If we are creating from our heart, from the expansive space of love, we are going to find that these worlds are in alignment with our dreams. If we are creating from what we’re afraid will happen, we’re going to be bringing that in and our world will reflect back to us the very things we don’t want to have. If we haven’t done that all-important clearing work, clearing out the patterns of the old world that made us unhappy, then we are going to see more of that around us. Continue reading

Not Our Job

This month is bringing some big energy to disconnect us from all the old 3D stuff that in our New Earth reality is not our job. You might be feeling it’s time to say, I’m not doing that anymore. Or I feel done with that. So if you’re noticing this, pay attention and see where you can disconnect. We especially want to disconnect from anyone not treating us well. Continue reading

Your True Self

In the process of awakening, we begin to shed the layers of who we thought we were, and we encounter what’s left: the important truth of who we are. Because behind all the ideas we have about who we are, all the beliefs we’ve invested in, all the stuff we’ve accumulated, is this truth, just waiting to be discovered. And it’s up to each one of us to find this treasure when we are ready. Continue reading

Our New Multidimensional Selves

We are experiencing a cycle of change such as we have never seen. When we look at it thru the eyes of current events, it looks like turmoil and chaos. But if we step back and look from the deep knowing within our heart, we can see it is a cosmic unfolding, long in the making, where we—each and every one of us—are embracing our stellar origin in a brand new format. Continue reading