Going for It

We are being sandblasted by Love. I experienced this the other night and it was intense and definitely no-nonsense. We are moving past all our old programming and opening our hearts to the new experience. This is our new age coming into being, giving us the opportunity to create the world we want to live in, a world unhampered by limitation, negativity and non-supportive energies. We can now choose to move beyond those. It is our choice as sovereign beings. When we embrace the light, we move into our truth, our authenticity and our ability to live as creators.

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The Energies of June

With all the clearing we have done to create a new template for our new world, we are now seeing the evidence of that space coming into being. This month especially seems to be bringing more of that to us. We’ve had wave after wave of intense energy, and these insistent frequencies continue to shift and push us into the new as the crystalline consciousness establishes itself here, there and everywhere. We’re seeing just a little bit of the magnitude of the unfolding that is taking place. The bottom has dropped out on the old, very tired, undeniably broken, unbalanced masculine approach to how we have lived, and you may have felt this in a very physical way, with pain or discomfort or upheaval at the base of your spine or in your lower chakras. Continue reading

From Couch Potato to Galactic Guide

We’re moving out of our couch potato phase.

I woke up with the words from this title in my head, and they made me laugh out loud. But I also realized the truth in them. After years of an inward journey, many of us are now being guided to go back out into the world. We’ve cleared our old patterns and spent lots of time alone because there weren’t many people in our lives who understood what we were going thru. Many people joked about being couch potatoes during this phase, because we didn’t have much energy either. We were processing and clearing and growing our light bodies, and bringing in the new consciousness. Continue reading

Not Our Job

This month is bringing some big energy to disconnect us from all the old 3D stuff that in our New Earth reality is not our job. You might be feeling it’s time to say, I’m not doing that anymore. Or I feel done with that. So if you’re noticing this, pay attention and see where you can disconnect. We especially want to disconnect from anyone not treating us well. Continue reading