Unity and Connection in the New

We continue separating from the old and moving into the new, which is now, by far, the longest process we have ever been thru, especially for those of us who started 10 or 20 years ago. We continue practicing our skills with this new energy so that we can be in this high frequency, which is increasing constantly now. This week again there has been heavy energy for a few days, where we could feel the sadness and anger that was a part of the old world. We can feel this within us as we continue to clear our physical being. The heaviness has felt restrictive. It’s like trying to run in waist-deep water. We’re experiencing the freedom of the new, but in the old world, we are not free. So the heaviness is around us. But as the heaviness released again, we moved into the lighter energy. And this time, we noticed we had released more of the old. We are releasing watching TV and movies, because they no longer speak to us. We’re releasing people when we no longer have commonalities. We’re releasing activities. Anything that no longer resonates is going, and it’s just happening. Life becomes simple, peaceful, balanced.

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Alchemizing the Old to Create the New

When we reach a certain light quotient, it becomes evident that the light that we emit impacts others and changes them. In the last week I am noticing this more than ever. We used to want to convince others of our beliefs. But that’s no longer necessary. As we share our new Self, the light/structural framework of this Self is received and internalized by others as information that they need. As their own hearts are opening, they know they are in need of this new information. And we’re just being our new sovereign Self. It’s effortless on our part. Continue reading

Not Our Job

This month is bringing some big energy to disconnect us from all the old 3D stuff that in our New Earth reality is not our job. You might be feeling it’s time to say, I’m not doing that anymore. Or I feel done with that. So if you’re noticing this, pay attention and see where you can disconnect. We especially want to disconnect from anyone not treating us well. Continue reading