Holiday Lights

As we move into our new experience we are making it our own. We’re in a beautiful process of purification. We are being shown any remaining problematic patterns that we still hold and then poof, we clear them. They go easily. We’re even looking at individual thoughts to see which are still old ones, which beliefs are clearly 3D and not yet 5D. This is how we evolve at this moment as we embrace our immensely important roles as creators. Because we are the creators of our New Earth and it is becoming clear with each passing day what a mammoth job this is. And yet each does their part.

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Diamond Energy Inflows

Friday night I was awake for two hours watching and experiencing diamond energy downloads, watching with my third eye, experiencing them in my body. It began with a sharp pain in my solar center (3rd chakra area) that woke me up. This is the center of our will and our power, so I knew something big was taking place. As the pain cleared, I saw a gateway inside me open into a new frequency of light. We continue to be granted opportunities to move into higher frequencies and into more of our truth, authenticity and power. And we are the gateways for what is unfolding, because it is unfolding and opening and being anchored thru us. Following that I saw cascading diamonds of sparkling white and sometimes violet light.

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December 2019 Energies

Things are changing so quickly now as we close out this year and move into the new. One thing I am noticing is I’m no longer using my intention very often to create, because I’m realizing and feeling that it’s already all in existence inside of us, and it’s emerging as we need it based on what we need. I had several examples last Wednesday as I was out doing errands. Whatever I needed showed up as I needed it, and I was often shown what would happen just before it happened.

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Trust, Release, Create as Everything Is Reconfigured

We continue to move into the new and surprising energy of the New Earth. I mentioned in the last post we had a 12-hour livestream of invigorating energy last weekend, and then I spent the next two days on the couch integrating that magnificent intensity. We continue to move thru the cycle of download and integrate and then experience as we find out what’s in the package we have just received. Continue reading

The Separating Worlds

This week, as the energies of evolution continue to swirl and build, I’ve been seeing just what different worlds we are each creating. I’ve been sharing in my posts how we are each creating our new worlds thru what we are thinking and dreaming into being. If we are creating from our heart, from the expansive space of love, we are going to find that these worlds are in alignment with our dreams. If we are creating from what we’re afraid will happen, we’re going to be bringing that in and our world will reflect back to us the very things we don’t want to have. If we haven’t done that all-important clearing work, clearing out the patterns of the old world that made us unhappy, then we are going to see more of that around us. Continue reading

The Disconnect and Reconnecting

Yesterday during a meditation I was taken to progressively higher and higher dimensions—thru sound—until I reached the God/Source center. And then I was shown how we begin there and we expand out living in that God/Source circle. But we dropped out when we came to the Earth this time, and a part of us went out into the Earth dimension of 3D. This created polarity. We have been in that space for quite some time, many of us feeling like we didn’t fit or belong there.  Continue reading