The Unfolding

Sunday, the first day of the planetary and galactic New Year, I asked for a sign of where we are in our ongoing process of transformation. Monday when I got up, I saw this white rainbow over the ocean. White rainbows are rare, I’ve only seen about three, all in the last three or four years. I spoke to someone who has lived in this area her whole life and she’s never seen one. This rainbow represents the purity of our new experience. While the colored rainbows are infusing and empowering our new experience, the white ones are the new consciousness, the crystalline connection. When we are in this new consciousness, in our divinity, we are empowered. Just watch us fly. As I’ve been showing this photo to people, they are awed by it. They are feeling what is taking place, the new, coming in now, that will forever change us and restore us to wholeness.

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The New Earth Emerges

As we embody our divinity, as we hold the light of all this incredible new potential that is actualizing around us now, we enter the new and we become the new. The New Earth is emerging from our collaboration with the powerfully transformative energies streaming in and the earth herself who is transforming with us. Together we are becoming new and creating the new space where we will be living, where we are living as some of us arrive in this space, finally. It’s been a long time coming.

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December 2019 Energies

Things are changing so quickly now as we close out this year and move into the new. One thing I am noticing is I’m no longer using my intention very often to create, because I’m realizing and feeling that it’s already all in existence inside of us, and it’s emerging as we need it based on what we need. I had several examples last Wednesday as I was out doing errands. Whatever I needed showed up as I needed it, and I was often shown what would happen just before it happened.

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Beginning to Glow

Strong, strong energies today, the 17th, are clearing some ancient, creaky, destructive patterns related to love and our belief/experience with the lack of it. For about 3 hours this morning I was feeling this incredibly heavy energy as it was broken apart and removed. The removal of it means people no longer have access to it to use it to do harm. Now all they have is the unsupported patterns within them, which will gradually fade. This is very telling of what is taking place now as we move into the higher frequencies of support and love of the unified field. The time has come.

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Being and Holding the New

This has been a day of things appearing and disappearing, as we’re being shown how old familiar things are on their way out. The world that we’ve been a part of for our whole lives is vanishing. The new world that we are creating is taking shape inside us and being projected around us to take its place. You may be feeling the dynamics of this. We are finding quite literally that we can’t focus our attention very well on the old. We can only do it very briefly and ineffectively. Even when we focus on it, it’s still not in focus. It’s like we’re connecting with something that isn’t fully there anymore. And we are in such a new space, that we can no longer “go back” there. And every time we try to see what’s there, we have to remind ourselves: What do we want to create? It’s not about what has been created, it’s about what we are creating now, from our embodiment of our divine power as one who came to create something new. Continue reading

We Are the Gateway

Oh, the journey, it just goes on and on. Friday night was another sleepless one where I was flip-flopping around for hours feeling way too warm even tho the house was cool. We are processing such intense energy as the cosmos is converting us to the newest model of star-infused human. Friday night I was seeing the waves of light and color that have brought us our information for decades. We’re beginning to understand how much we have been influenced by this cosmic-level knowing. It has come into our core, influencing and guiding us on this earthly adventure. The inklings, the twinklings and the knowings have nudged and prompted us, given us visionary experiences and reminded us that we are here for more than we thought. Continue reading