Meditation: Lunar Eclipse

Hi Everyone,
Our next meditation is Monday Sept. 28 at 6 pm.
We will all anchor the energy that came in with the eclipse, moving everyone into more connection with their higher selves and the truth of who they are.
We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all as we connect in the new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space. Take a moment to feel the love that is flowing our way.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 


Meditation: Gold and White Energy

Hi Everyone,
There is so much gold and white energy coming to us now and so much is taking place to clear the impediments that have been in our way. The very structures that make up what we know are being restructured to create our new surroundings. And we are all a part of that. It’s all good.
Our next meditation is Monday Sept. 21 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space. Take a moment to feel the love that is flowing our way.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 


Meditation: Infused with Energy

Hi Everyone,
A member of our meditation group found this tomato in her garden–infused with the energy of the sun and the stars for sure, just like we are. This month, we are receiving the strongest energy yet–all to help push us into our new selves so that we can experience and enjoy what we came here to create–paradise on earth.
Our next meditation is Monday Sept. 14 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space. Take a moment to feel the love that is flowing our way.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 


Meditation: Rainbow Zone

Hi Everyone,
A member of our meditation group took this photo of a brilliant double rainbow during a recent rain. If you read the sign in the photo, then you will know you are in the new earth, where all our signs will say things like Rainbow Zone.
Our next meditation is Monday Sept. 7 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space. Take a moment to feel the love that is flowing our way.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 


Meditation: No Leash Needed

Hi Everyone,
On my walk a couple days ago, I was on a narrow street with no sidewalks and very little traffic. I heard a sound in the dry grass and when I turned, I saw a deer and two fawns coming my way. They came up beside me and were just a few feet away, going the same direction and also walking on the road. They scurried into a yard when a car came up from behind.
The man in the car stopped and said, “it really looks like you are out walking your deer.” It made me smile. So here is a picture of my deer. No leash needed.
Our next meditation is Monday Aug. 31 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space. Take a moment to feel the love that is flowing our way.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 


Meditation: Wonder

Hi Everyone,
Lately there are heart shapes everywhere, and perhaps you are seeing them too. Even the loaf of walnut/fig bread I got at the bakery was shaped that way. As we live more and more from our hearts, we create what we love, and our world changes around us. A world of love and wonder begins to form from the ground up and soon we are living in that new world.
Our next meditation is Monday Aug. 24 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space. Take a moment to feel the love that is flowing our way.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Meditation: Living from Our Hearts

Hi Everyone,
This little heart cloud appeared at sunset a couple evenings ago. It’s a reminder of how we are living from our hearts now, creating what makes us happy.
Our next meditation is Monday Aug. 17 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Meditation: Trust Your Strength

Hi Everyone,
The Lion’s Gate on 8/8 brought us into an amazingly beautiful new creative space. There is so much wonderment taking place that all we have to do is be open and receptive to it. It is truly time to release the limitations of our fear-based thinking and ask, how can I embrace my highest potential?
Our next meditation is Monday Aug. 10 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
This week’s messenger is Pancho the donkey. The donkey helps us see that once we get in touch with the beauty of who we are, we can send that vibration into the outer world. Our outer potential comes from our inner creation. The donkey reminds us to trust our strength and to move with the flow and allow Spirit to work. He urges us to connect with our freedom because now is our opportunity.

Meditation: The Lion’s Gate

Hi Everyone,
We are moving thru great change right now as we recapture and uncover the essence of who we truly are. This week we will experience the Lion’s Gate on 8/8, another portal on the path into the new world and yet another chance to experience the amplification that is transitioning us into wholeness and sovereignty.
We are connecting to our creative power in magical and surprising ways and I hope you are noticing this.
Our next meditation is Monday Aug. 3 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
p.s. In mid-July I wrote a short piece for the Golden Age of Gaia site and the link is here if you want to take a look.

Meditation: Intention

Hi Everyone,
I asked this turkey vulture to do a flyover so I could take a picture. They move so quickly it took three tries. But on its third circle above I succeeded. And I have to say, normally they don’t fly directly overhead.
So, are you asking for what you want to create? You will be surprised at how much you can create when you get clear about what you want and then make a request. It might not happen the first time, but keep trying. We are being supported now to create what makes us happy, what gives us joy.
Our next meditation is Monday July 27 at 6 pm. We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all. Along with that we will hold a vision of everyone connecting to their own inner knowing and higher self so that we are all guided to this new space.
For 5 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 