When Our Hearts Open

We are all watching for signs of change in the whole as it glides along to our New Earth. And this past week came such an interesting sign, in an email from a group that I volunteer for. This email from the director said she recently reached a very low point where she felt like she was drowning and she couldn’t get free. This is what the energy can make you feel like as it asks you to release the old. When the old earth is no longer energetically supported as our home, we have no choice but to leave and move into the new. That is what is being created globally, cosmically in this shift of ages that we are experiencing.

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Our Shiny New Selves

This current passageway (the 11/11) is giving us a chance to see the new and the old side by side and to see what we WERE a part of and what we are deciding to NO LONGER BE a part of. We’re seeing the old energy with all its warts and cuckoo-ness and just plain not okay-ness and we’re making choices about not taking part. We will each have opportunities to choose, and we will be guided to choose from our new and ever-expanding heart-based consciousness. This new consciousness is showing us the way. It’s guiding us to release old problematic ways and to choose new ways based on Love, to infuse our own lives with as much of this new power and beauty and wholeness as we can. We’ve been headed here all year, and for the last 5, 10, 20 years, depending on when your individual journey started. And now the choice has become obvious. What are you choosing for your bright new shiny lit-up freshly minted Self?

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