Hi Everyone,
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.
These words were said by the Buddha over 2,500 years ago, and this is what we are experiencing now. Once you can see this, you learn that you have power related to creating the world around you. We are being shown how to create in a responsible way, and this is what this meditation is about.
Our next meditation is Monday April 13 at 6 pm. For 5 minutes (
Note: It’s just 5 minutes now because we can create very quickly at this point) we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever now, so make an intention about what you want to create.
We will all meet in this space.