Meditation: Balance

Hi Everyone,
Because our powers are growing, we are going to focus as a group on creating something specific. This time we will focus on humans coming into balance with the planet.
Our next meditation is Monday May 11 at 6 pm. For 5 minutes (Note: It’s just 5 minutes now because we can create very quickly at this point) we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
Peonies from the first Farmer’s Market of the season 

Meditation: Learning to Fly

Hi Everyone,
Because our powers are growing, I am changing things this time. We are going to focus as a group on creating something specific: we are going to focus on our ecosystem being healthy and revitalized.
Our next meditation is Monday May 4 at 6 pm. For 5 minutes (Note: It’s just 5 minutes now because we can create very quickly at this point) we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. I look forward to creating in this way with all of you.
We will all meet in this space.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
This adventurous baby bird was testing his wings. Parents were nearby encouraging him and later when I checked he was no longer on the ground. We are all learning to fly!

Meditation: Blooms

Hi Everyone,
Wild berries are in bloom with the promise of sweet fruit coming. Our own dreams are blooming too, and we are seeing our creations coming into being in the new space that we have anchored.
Our next meditation is Monday April 27 at 6 pm. For 5 minutes (Note: It’s just 5 minutes now because we can create very quickly at this point) we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever now, so make an intention about what you want to create.

We will all meet in this space.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Meditation: Opportunity

Hi Everyone,
I just saw the first batch of new ducklings in the pond. I think you can see them in the photo. Duck means you are being asked to take notice of your surroundings because a new opportunity is now being offered to you. She is reminding you that in order to succeed with this opportunity you will have to move forward swiftly so that your new ideas can take flight. Duck is making it very clear that in order to be successful with your goals you have to move now!
Our next meditation is Monday April 20 at 6 pm. For 5 minutes (Note: It’s just 5 minutes now because we can create very quickly at this point) we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever now, so make an intention about what you want to create.

We will all meet in this space.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Meditation: Responsibility

Hi Everyone,

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.

These words were said by the Buddha over 2,500 years ago, and this is what we are experiencing now. Once you can see this, you learn that you have power related to creating the world around you. We are being shown how to create in a responsible way, and this is what this meditation is about.
Our next meditation is Monday April 13 at 6 pm. For 5 minutes (Note: It’s just 5 minutes now because we can create very quickly at this point) we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever now, so make an intention about what you want to create.

We will all meet in this space.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Meditation: Groups

Hi Everyone,

We’re continuing the theme of working together and a few days ago I took this picture of some of the several thousand sea lions that have shown up here. The energy is coming together in so many ways that I am not surprised to see big groups of sea lions who seem to innately sense of idea of working as a group.
We have moved through a co-creative gateway and this is a beautiful time to put this wisdom into practice. Ask, how can I be a co-creator so that I and everyone I know can benefit from working together to create a beautiful new earth?
Our next meditation is Monday April 6 at 6 pm. For 10 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever now, so make an intention about what you want to create.

We will all meet in this space.

Love, Terry

Meditation: Co-create

Hi Everyone,

I just learned that when beavers build a dam on a river used by salmon, they always create a place for the salmon to cross. Here is a photo showing a local river with a beaver dam. This is a wonderful example of how we co-create and how we work together so that we all can benefit. The natural world understands this, and we are in the process of relearning this simple law: when we work together, we all prosper.
We are moving through a co-creative gateway and this is a beautiful time to put this wisdom into practice. Ask, how can I be a co-creator so that I and everyone I know can benefit from working together?
Our next meditation is Monday March 30 at 6 pm. For 10 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever now, so make an intention about what you want to create.

We will all meet in this space.

Love, Terry

Meditation: Fulfillment

Hi Everyone,

Tonight’s sunset reflected in the pink clouds and for a few moments created a blue heart. It’s a beautiful metaphor for the love that is speaking to all of us now.
The energy of the Equinox and the eclipse was integrative, pulling so many things together and energizing our dreams and moving us forward into fulfillment in a new way. Our new habitat will surprise us with fresh connections and insights.
Our next meditation is Monday March 23 at 6 pm. For 10 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever now, so make an intention about what you want to create.

We will all meet in this space.

Love, Terry

Meditation: Equinox

Hi Everyone,

There is beautiful gold light and diamond light coming in to us now and perhaps you are aware of it. This photo of the sun ringed with those colors suggests what it’s like. This week is the Equinox, when the light and dark are equal and the sun is at the midpoint on the horizon.
I am hearing back from people about things they are able to create in the Monday meditation and I hope you are also noticing your powers to do this. Think about what you want to create in your life and allow it to come in as we all work on co-creating the new earth.
Our next meditation is Monday March 16 at 6 pm. For 10 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever in this golden energy that has arrived, so make an intention about what you want to create.

We will all meet in this space.

Love, Terry

Meditation: Ocean Waves

Hi Everyone,

It was 66° today and I waded in the ocean. The patterns in the waves washing in were beautiful, as you can see in the photo. We are creating the world we want to live in and mine includes good weather. What do you want to create in your world? The energies that are here now are supporting us in what we want to create.
Our next meditation is Monday March 9 at 6 pm. For 10 minutes we will tune into our creative power and our power to be a world dreamer. We will also focus on anchoring the new earth within us and around us. The foundation is complete, now we are creating the structure. We will expand the light and the love we have anchored so that we can share it with the world. The energy during the meditation is encoded with awakening triggers for any who wish to have that experience. Simply make it your intention to tune in to that. Our intention is more powerful than ever in this golden energy that has arrived.

We will all meet in this space.

Love, Terry