Big, transformative energies are here for us. We are receiving them, moving into them, and becoming our highest version, as we transform with this planet into our new experience.
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The Perfection of Love
We came to Earth to do a job and as we become aware of that mission, we move fully into it. We are dedicated to seeing this happen. And with each passing day, ti becomes more clear for each of us what we are doing.
Continue readingOur Super Power
After this most recent shift we have seen more of our true self emerging. This brings clear knowing of what we can no longer take part in regarding the old world. We have been carried by the cosmic current into more newness. Even if it feels temporarily disconcerting to be in this new space, we are ready. We continue to align and harmonize as more of the shadow shifts into the light. We are being activated in major ways. Talk about empowerment.
Continue readingNew Beginnings
Thursday night my cosmic team gave me the title for this post, and even though I was trying to fall asleep, I was immediately interested. Yes, since, the eclipse, there are sleep issues again. And a little over a week ago the dizziness hit, followed by the woozies. We’re back to walking carefully when we feel a little tippy. But overall, you may be feeling more energized. And the additional, very exciting message is, in these new beginnings, we’re getting younger.
Continue readingLighting Things Up
There is a lot happening in all this new energy, and every day I have planned to write about some of this, and then so much happens that there isn’t time. Here goes another try.
Continue readingBecoming Creators
As I mentioned last time, we are quickly evolving. And we’re evolving right out of our old selves. Releasing that old 3D self, which doesn’t work in the new world, opens us to the ease and freedom and power of this higher-frequency time. This is when we become creators, when we release our old paradigm.
Continue readingIn the Midst of Incredible Evolution
We are in the midst of incredible evolution, not only ours but those around us, too. We’re seeing ourselves change almost by the minute, and seeing others change as well. We’ve been working on ourselves, and embodying the energy of the new time in order to create our new experience, and now we’re watching this new experience take shape. And we have been feeling remarkable periods of acceleration, where the speed of this process picks up considerably.
Continue readingIt’s Happening: People Are Waking Up
We are in a major acceleration right now. Are you feeling it? It’s creating all kinds of movement, in the world news and in our own lives. People around us are waking up. They have questions and some want help. We are in a position to help because of everything we have gone thru to get where we are now. We used to be where they are, and we can reassure them, answer questions, and help them move into the new experience. This is more of our purpose showing up. We’ve been creating our New Earth and now we will help those who are asking for help.
Continue readingThe Reset
Great freedom comes when we finally know ourselves. When we know who we are, we are no longer looking to others to tell us. We can see ourselves, and this reflection arrives when we have cleared what was not us, and then all the light that we have taken on provides our new reflection.
Continue readingCosmic Alignment
We have had a major release in the last week that will be enormously helpful. We were able, as a collective, to release the huge chunk of negativity that was holding so many in its grip. With this release, you may notice that your own tendency to have a judgment or negative assessment is stopped in mid-thought. You may be reminding yourself, that’s not who I am now, and that’s not how I think.
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