Three Agreements

Several years ago, Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements and a gifted teacher of Toltec wisdom, gave me three agreements for my own life. I had made the four agreements part of my practice, and these additional three helped to put the changes I wanted to make into place. I’m sharing them now in case they can be helpful to you. Continue reading

The Realm of Cosmic Possibilities

A friend recently had a brief but powerful vision where she saw a door, and when she opened it, she was shown the Realm of Cosmic Possibilities. We are standing in that doorway now and we are going to find that many things are different as we step through. Continue reading

Solar-Powered Selves

Years ago, when my journey first started, I got a message it was time to jump off the proverbial cliff. It was a first for me, but I did it. I quit my job, which I really liked, sold my house, which I also liked, and moved halfway across the country. And all I knew was what I had heard: I was going on a spiritual journey. I didn’t even know, at the time, what that meant. It was a complete leap of faith. Continue reading

Creative Window

We are beginning to create at a new level. We are seeing our heart-felt wishes coming into being. This happens once we have cleared enough of the internal interference and static that kept us from creating our dreams in the past. Until we are free and clear of old patterns, we don’t realize the impact they have on us. But as we clear them, we become able to create in new and beautiful ways. We get in touch with the authentic self that has been waiting to step to the fore. This true you is the one who has always known what you want and what you love. Continue reading