Holding the Light

This past few days, I’m being shown things in an allegorical way. This is unusual for me, and it shows we’ve moved even further into the higher frequencies. We can now more easily see when something represents something else, and we can take a step back and just observe. We can move from “being acted upon” to “being the actor, the creator.” We’re looking at what we’re being shown, taking stock and moving ahead armed with new information.

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We’re in the Ascension Flames

I just had a dream about feeling alone in this process. It was a long dream and I only remember the end. I was on a camping trip, it was evening, and I went past three women who were up on a hill singing. Their song was beautiful, and then one of them said, “I just feel like we’re all alone doing this.”

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Creational Alignment

In the last week we’ve had some important changes that have moved us into a new experience. For me, it began with a middle-of-the-night vision where I was shown how we are creating the New Earth. We are bringing it in thru our heart consciousness. As we align with heart consciousness, the crystalline/Christ consciousness, and begin using the purity of this to create, we become able to bring in the New Earth. Again, this happens once we are in alignment with heart consciousness thru our own heart center. We give birth to the New Earth thru our own love, thru the power of our divine creativity. We have to move out of our heads, out of all the ideas that we have allowed to limit us. And then it happens. It happens because we are powerful.

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Codes, Structures and Templates for the New Earth

We are here to come to re-know everything. This is what we are engaged in now, as we gently and respectfully release the person we have been to make space for the one we are becoming. We are growing in our ability to hold another consciousness and the new way of being that it entails. We’re releasing our ideas that we can’t do this, because we are doing it.

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