The new continues to show itself and show that we are in it, and it doesn’t contain the old. In fact, the old is still here only in our memories of our experiences and in the projections and judgments we have as a result. Wherever we are open, we are encountering the new. You may be seeing this in your own experience as old behaviors shift within you and you notice that as you embody your NEW SELF you are behaving in new ways. We are going to be seeing so many ways our patterns have gotten in our way, so just be kind to yourself and be willing to evolve. Some of these things clear gradually, but the clearing currently in progress is immense. This also involves painful memories of experiences that you revisit and remind yourself of, as well as painful past experiences that are coming into the light of Truth. Nothing remains hidden now, and as each does their work what is hidden will be shown. As we release the pain attached to the memories, the memories are still there, but the pain is not, so that we can move forward into the new space of Love. Pain is an indicator we are still holding old, unresolved memories. As we clear them, the pain clears as well. This pain has been stored deep within our body. Continue reading
Becoming the I AM