Happy New Earth!

IMG_1170On New Year’s Eve, in the midst of many celebrations, when many people were feeling happy and celebrating moving into a new year, a surprising thing happened. We were disconnected from the old earth. The timing was beautiful. A wave of celebratory energy carried us into this space. Now New Earth, which has been in place for some time, is showing us how to be in heart-based, co-creative relationship with her, with ourselves, and with everyone else. We are truly becoming our new selves. That is something to celebrate.

If you’re reading this, you’ve chosen this path and you will notice old patterns rising to the surface to clear so that you can continue to connect with your true self. Your true self is the one who is naturally drawn to happiness, to peace, to joy, to love, and who is wanting true and authentic connection with other people. Your true self is done with the drama and the suffering and the lack of transparency. This true you is stepping up to be counted.

Our true selves are putting their hearts on the line. We are very ready for something new. And that is where we are. Begin to notice the changes taking place around you.

This week, people have told me:

They want to quit their job because it no longer represents who they are.
They let go of a relationship because it no longer felt right.
They are experiencing more happiness than ever before.
They are sharing themselves in a more public way.
Doing things in the old way is no longer working for them.
They are aware they are not their ego identity.
They are just living in the now moment, without needing a plan.
They are experiencing a new feeling of freedom.

These are examples of the changes we are experiencing as we step out of our conditioned roles and let go of our fear of not knowing all the answers or what’s going to happen.

This week, people have asked:
How do I find out who I am?
What do I do with my life if I am not working?
How do I co-create?
How do I get healthy?
How do I connect with my guidance?

These are all big questions, and asking questions like these leads us into our truth and into empowerment. It’s only by letting go of what we know that we create space to move into what we don’t know. And in the space of not knowing, we connect with our solar-powered self. We are being lit up by the energies from beyond. We are being guided and prodded and cajoled into intriguing new self-employment: into using our innate powers to paint and sculpt and weave our new lives. This is important, engaging work, and each one of us is being called to do this. We let go of what we know to move into the magic of what we don’t know. Set aside your fear. You don’t need it anymore.

We find out who we are by letting go of who we are not, all the roles we have played. Once we are not working, we listen to what’s in our heart to find out what we want to do. Some of us are being guided to share more of who we are so that others can find out who they are. We co-create by expressing what we want and listening to what others want and seeing what we can make together. It’s not about someone telling us what to do, it’s about us saying, “here’s how I’d like to be involved.” We learn by doing. We meld our ideas.

Love yourself as deeply as you can, every moment. Make this a practice.

Stepping out of old patterns into new ways of being is a full-time endeavor–until you get the hang of it. Once you access your divine creativity, you can begin to share with others how to do it. You feel your way into this. You stop believing you are acted upon and become the one who is creating what happens. It’s a change of perspective, a shift of focus, and once you see it, once you feel it, you will not go back to powerless living.

You will embrace the completely awesome expansiveness of who you are, you will discover we are here to be happy, and you will begin to live in harmony and peace. On the New Earth we are creating effortlessly from our heart space as sovereign beings who have discovered their true value. Thus abundance is part of the equation and love is the currency. Happy New Earth to all of you!

One thought on “Happy New Earth!

  1. The guidance you are sharing in your articles is doing so much to help grow the community and world that we want to live in- it’s immeasurable . Thankyou!

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