Aligning with the New Resonance

Many of us remember past lives. I have a memory of coming to the earth 800-1200 years ago to raise the frequency. At that time, we were not successful, and we left when we saw that what we were doing was not working.

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Joining Forces in the Heart Consciousness

In my early 20s I had an intense vision, where I was shown an event occurring later that day. It was upsetting, so I pushed it out of my mind and went ahead with my plans. Several hours later, I found myself in that exact vision as it unfolded around me, down to the smallest detail. And there was seemingly nothing I could do. I felt completely powerless. I was an unwilling participant in what felt like a movie and the details seemed set in stone.

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Rewriting the Nature of Existence for Humanity

Our New Earth is taking shape in a beautiful way. We continue to move into more of the newness and expansion that we are creating, and this is our new world forming around us. Every bit of clearing we do makes space for more light and more heart-based consciousness and leads us further into the new experience. We move beyond the old patterns. We begin to orchestrate what happens in our lives from the new consciousness. We receive unexpected blessings that come in like sun popping thru the clouds. And you will FEEL these inside of you as they enliven you even more. What we are creating is bringing us to life.

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Fairies and Unicorns

On Monday I experienced something new. Once again, it happened when I was driving to the store. I suddenly could feel that we are no longer connected to the 3D earth. I’ve mentioned in the past that I used to see the New Earth floating just above the surface of the old earth. I first saw this years ago, one day when I was out for a walk. It was so exciting. Fast forward thru years of dedicated work on the part of many…

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