This Is Our Time

Dreams and visions have entered a new level because we ourselves have entered a new level. We are finding we have less interest in the old world that used to be our life, where we used to find much to entertain us, and we are becoming less able to interact with it.

A friend just dreamed she was in a relationship with someone who was controlling, who she didn’t like. When she woke up she realized it was alcohol and she no longer wanted to have the relationship. You can call this a dream or you can call it truth coming to meet you with open arms and embracing you as you make your way home, the truth of YOU, the truth you have been longing to return to, which is finally becoming available. It is waiting for us as we open to it and move into it. We are embracing our truth and becoming who we are, free of what tried to shape us into something else.

This morning as I drove home on my narrow road a female elk charged my car. She evidently had a baby somewhere near. It was unnerving, but later it occurred to me, she is now in warrior mode, protecting the newness of what she has created. I feel this way too, very much wanting to protect what I have created. The goddess is coming into power, realizing no one can turn her aside.

In 2009 the Dalai Lama hung a lantern on the path when he said that Western women will save the world. The energy of this called all women to reclaim their power and no longer accommodate those who say less than the truth. We are rebalancing the out-of-balance energies. The divine feminine leads the divine masculine into harmonious relationship where they forge creations together. The doing serves the creative being, empowering both.

We need to hold the center as the dismantling occurs. It is important to let go of any old ideas we are holding. We let go of having to control, which allows the new to appear. We are in the throes of the shift, holding the rudder as we sail into the new.

We are cleansing the old from within ourselves and our cells and as we do so we clear it from the old familiar world we have all been a part of. In this way our world changes and takes new shape around us. So each of us plays a pivotal role.

We can remind ourselves not to go back into the heaviness of the old world, because it is still there with its pitfalls and challenges. If you find yourself back in it, use your tools to move into a higher resonance, a more peaceful and supportive place.

The Christ consciousness LIGHT permeates our DNA, reconnecting us to knowing who we are and why we are here. We all become a part of the “bloodline.” The past and the future come into the NOW. This light impacts everyone and as soon as we release our grip on the 3D world we are bathed in the divinity that awakens in us. Christ is a solar deity. We are all touched and lit with new light.

As this light enters our system and we no longer resist, we experience a relaxation in our body on a deep level, as the physical organs and structures release all the false beliefs they took on. The feeling of this is remarkable. It may have to happen several times to complete. We release who we are not to become who we are. You will experience this as a great relief. You will see how the system that was in place for many millennia did not support who you are evolving into.IMG_2169

New worlds open. During the Buddha moon, a portal opened and the Buddha reached through with fragrantly scented water in a shallow bowl. This was an experience of being anointed. It was recognition of a new time and a coming together. We are all joining forces. He was in the mountains of Tibet, I was half a world away. He was surrounded by people in ceremony, I was alone. But in that moment, we joined forces, those in the realm of spirit and those in the physical world, to celebrate the new space we have arrived in. It is a moment of deep joy and the love and expansiveness is palpable. No matter where we are, we are connected. We are all working together to create something that is morphing into being with each breath and heartbeat and influx of light from the cosmos. It is becoming more tangible with each passing moment.

Together, Christ, Buddha, the spiritual masters, the creators of New Earth, all of us are joining forces in in the cosmic celebration of a dream made manifest, of divinity brought into the physical body, of solar light shining from all our hearts, of a new era. We mark this time that we are creating, this big, boundless entirely new light-filled universe.

We honor all who have contributed: every rock, bird, plant, animal, bug, cloud, raindrop and human. Be in your heart, because love is the greatest force there is. Love is the message, love is the conduit, love is the answer. Love is the light we are made of. Step into love. Embrace the authentic nature of who you are, powerful beyond nature, divinity embodied, creators all. This is our time.

And remember, we have to feel ourselves into this new space/place/time. We can’t get there by thinking. Drop into your heart space, loves. Experiment. See what happens when you move through your day personifying your heart-based solar essence. We are solar deities too, and there’s no sunscreen to block the LIGHT/LOVE we’re shining.

One thought on “This Is Our Time

  1. Thanks for another beautiful article Terry. It’s at once a peaceful relief and a cosmic celebration to shift from being driven by our heads to our hearts as we move into the NOW. Yeehaw!

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