The 11-11 Gateway

There is so much going on behind the scenes and so many working to create new patterns and pathways for all as old pathways are cleared. As we move thru this 11/11 gateway I can feel completion of many old timelines and connection to new higher timelines for all who are ready. I can also feel huge energies of the heart opening, so this may be emotional for some as we begin to see how little Love has been available on this planet. All along we have had to create it, each to the best of our ability, and now we are finally being immersed in it in order to know it is part of our divine makeup. We are embodiers of Love and our vessels are being prepared for this as quickly as humanly possible.

In the interim, the old is still all around and we want to steer as clear as we can from it. This means honoring our selves as we move thru our day. We’re continuing to create boundaries as needed, and to make choices about who we spend time with.

We are being connected to the cosmic heart and the energy is streaming in, unfolding in us an enormous new capacity to experience and be Love.

We are being connected up in new ways as we continue moving into who we are and as we hold the space of these new frequencies inside of us and around us. We are being connected to the cosmic heart and the energy is streaming in, unfolding in us an enormous new capacity to experience and be Love.

We will find that those who are still invested in lack energies are no longer interesting to us. We are choosing to move beyond. There are those who are happy to take our joy, our happiness, our peace, and we are no longer invested in interacting with them or giving our power to them. It is important now to be strong, as we are creating a new way of being, and we are leading the way with this. We are modeling a new way of being for all who are able to see, for all who are ready to release and evolve into the potential that has presented.

The 11-11 gateway forming, to bring in heart opening on a grand scale.

Friday night I felt an energy coming in and my brain lit up like an aurora borealis with pale blues, pale purples and silvery tones, a landscape of crystalline consciousness that is now in place. These frequencies when they are established become the realm that we operate in, the realm of our experiences, and our experiences become harmonized and balanced with everything coming together to create beauty. I was walking with a neighbor yesterday and I spied a bolete mushroom under a pine tree, and I offered it to her. She made a rich chicken/wild rice/mushroom soup and brought some to me for dinner, with homemade bread she had just baked. It was unexpected and lovely, but everything, when it’s woven together and shared from spontaneous moments, ripples out to create interconnection and unity. In the new energy we are unifying and coming together in new ways. We are the beneficiaries of what we are creating thru the remapping of our internal landscapes. These new internal landscapes are transmitted into our external worlds so that these external worlds reflect back who we are as the energy of our frequency is made physical.

Beautiful light-breathing dragon.

What are you sharing with yourself? What are you sharing with others? What are you creating inside of you that can ripple out into your world? We are the creators in every moment of our New Earth. Each choice is part of our creation. As we connect up to the cosmic heart we access new creative powers, which amplify what we are doing. These require us to be in our sovereignty. They require us to be aligned with our truth, and living in balance and harmony with the earth and all her creatures. We become able to enter each new doorway that opens as we move into alignment with the energy it presents. There are no ulterior motives as we move into unity. Our every thought becomes unified in the field of Love as we are woven into the unified field.

Dragon cloud on the horizon.

The dragons are here helping with this and I saw this light-breathing beauty just days ago. A second one was on the horizon. Dragons are showing up for many at this time, representing the new and holding the energy with us. There is much at work in this multi-dimensional experience, and we are supported in what we are doing as we create the new architecture and the new Love-based realm.

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