Something Meteor, or: What to Do with Judgment

As we move into these very new spaces we are creating now, we’re changing, evolving into more truth, authenticity and self-love and more of a sense of who we are and what we want. Often we’re changing in ways that others don’t understand, and as we present our new truth that can create judgment. In our 3D lives, we had lots of judgment, and none of us wants any more of it. So what do we do with it when it comes up?

We’re moving into our heart space and finding out what makes us happy.

Our 3D culture was based on thinking and figuring things out. We were all hanging out in our heads, for the most part ignoring our hearts. In this incredible evolution, we’ve been moving more and more into our heart space, and finding out what makes us happy and what we love. It starts with loving our Selves. Once we do that, we can discover what makes us happy.

In 3D land, there’s a definite focus on “intellectual” pursuits. Heart-based pursuits are often diminished or dismissed as “sentimental.” Sentimental just means experiences that are felt. It’s a perfect word for what we are doing now as we feel our way into the new and FEEL what we love, what we enjoy, what we want to do, what we don’t want to do. The word sentimental was marginalized, but we can reclaim it now, because it represents both the heart and the mind. We are now creating with the heart-mind, envisioning our new worlds based on what we feel. We’re feeling our way into a new way of being.

What do you do when someone lobs a judgment your way?

The old focus was on intellectual as “better” or more important. We all wanted to appear smart. And growing up, we were “graded” on how “smart” we were. We’re evolving out of that. As we do, we become even smarter, but in new ways. The heart is such a powerful and (in the past) underused tool. As we use that combined force of heart and mind, we are tapping into our huge potential to create in new and powerful ways.

In my own evolution, I’ve given up the intellectual focus, even though, in my old life I was based in my head, like many of you. I had a recent experience to remind me of this. I’ve had to give up most TV viewing in order to protect my Self from the violence, aggression, coarseness and other negativity that exists there. One of the only things I still watch is occasional Hallmark movies. Especially in the new movies, people are shown working together in cooperative and loving ways. For a long time, I didn’t tell anyone I watched them to avoid the obvious judgment. But for the last few years, I do share it. The response is often: “So do I!” In fact, a neighbor’s husband—a former pro football player—just told me he watches them. So recently when a newer friend asked me what I was doing that evening, I replied that I was watching a Hallmark movie. She said, “Oh.” After a pause she lobbed a nice big judgment my way. “I can understand you would want to watch something like that when you’re brain doesn’t want something meatier.”

I shared this anecdote with a friend who’s doing this work of evolving and shifting. And she frowned and said, “Meteor?… When you want something meteor?”

OMG, it was perfect. We both ended up laughing at how she heard “meatier.” Our brains are evolving right out of even understanding and remembering how the old world operated and the ways it tried to control us.

And I thought, our new brains want something meteor. Something cosmic and blazing with light. We’re existing on a grander scale. We no longer hang in the realms of “smallness” and making someone else feel small or not important enough. We’re giving up judging. It creates nothing worthwhile. Instead we’re living and loving and feeling and sharing and laughing and creating. We’ve stepped away from the control mechanisms that would have us lob a judgment at a friend. Once we love our Selves, we’re secure enough not to worry about the old world intellectual focus that kept us small and unhappy and unproductive in terms of Love.

We’re now focused on creating as much LOVE as we can. Even if we haven’t perfected this, it is what we want to create. We want heart-centered relationships where we are safe to share and be our Selves as we grow and take on more LIGHT. Yes, we might be watching a Hallmark movie when we need a break from all this work we are doing for our Selves and the collective to create a New Earth. And these movies are reinforcing what we’re doing, offering messages like Follow what’s in your heart. Your heart will guide you to make the right choice.

We’re all evolving and we’re all in different stages of our evolution. Some are still feeling the fear that keeps them locked into old patterns of unhappiness. But if you sense that your mind is wanting something meteor, open up. Follow it. Check it out. Investigate. There’s a beautiful road leading into the New Earth, and it’s open to everyone.

From the Talisman Deck by Terry Andrews

And when judgment comes our way, we’re just letting it go. We’re finding it’s not about us. It’s about the person making it, who has not yet been able to move into freedom. So continue to clear out old patterns and to Love your Self, so if someone does judge you, it no longer impacts you. We can all move beyond judgment to choose happiness and peace and harmony and freedom.

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