Changing the World: From Old to New

It looks like we’ve moved into some very new territory. As November ended and December began, you may have noticed this refreshing shift. It’s a sign of the progress we’re making and it’s freed us up to drop some big chunks of the old world.

We’ve been clearing our own personal programs and patterns a long time, and now that our inner world is more clear, this is impacting our outer world. We are now allowing pieces of our old outer world to fall off, whatever no longer resonates or feels like too much work. This may be individual people or entire systems. If it feels like it no longer belongs, we’re releasing it. What often happens is we release our expectations about how we want someone to be, and allow them to just be who they are. We then discover they are not impacting us in the same way, moving us into more freedom to be who we are. We become playful around them instead of judgmental, as we inhabit our own new space.

I released someone recently, and the minute I did I received an email from her. I was able to reply in a nonjudgmental way, simply answering her questions and staying in my own space. We allow others to grow and we don’t know what that will look like or how it will take place. But we keep in mind that we are carefully cultivating our own space, giving it the attention it needs to grow and flourish. That’s where our attention goes. We’re not rescuing or saving. And we’re not trying to do anything. Those are activities of the ego. We’re simply doing, creating from our heart-mind. These two have merged, with the heart leading the way, and the mind playing a supporting role.

Things are lightening up as we create our new worlds.

For the last few days we are feeling revitalized, more like our old selves but in our new format. In fact, someone who came for a session on Tuesday just sent me this message: “I call Tuesday ‘My Click Day.’ Everything seemed to click into the New Earth and the 5th dimension! I am energized! Things happen quicker! Thoughts pop into my head that help make easier the task I am doing! My physical body moves better! My emotional body is happier! I LOVE it! Thank you for helping me remember my true self!” I noticed during the time I was together with this person on Tuesday, almost everything was lighthearted and fun. We were laughing as we worked. Things are finally lightening up so much, allowing us to begin to enjoy things in a new way. This lightening process will continue, and you will be noticing it in your own experience.

This has been a big shift as we have moved from November into December. Much of November was very challenging, to the point that some people no longer wanted to be here or keep doing this work. But somehow we are always able to walk and talk ourselves thru these challenging times, because we know that what we are doing is important. The pathways we are creating into the new give everyone a chance to evolve.

We’ve been going thru brain upgrades for the last month (longer than that, but especially in the last month) and we’re seeing some of the results. I was given some information to show me that we learned in the old world that when we are asleep, we are out of it. But that’s no longer the case. We now have the ability to have awareness even when we are sleeping. We do a great deal of work during our sleep, even if we don’t currently remember it. Our upgraded brains process differently, and the brain is being linked to the heart in order to play a supportive role in the creation process. Our brains are relaxing, and their frequency is changing, making it easier for them to connect with the energy of source, making it easier to receive information.

I was recently given a new experience by the Cosmic Christ during a visit: half of my brain was asleep, half was awake, and I observed the “sleeping” half have a dream. In the “dream” my father, who died a few years ago, was beaming and streaming light from his whole being. I could feel this light in the part of me that was awake and observing, and it felt amazing. The light permeated my entire being. The part of me that was awake said to the Cosmic Christ, that’s not how my father was in life. And the Cosmic Christ said, “That is his I AM. That is how he is now. That is how you are now, too.”

We are lighting up our new worlds in new ways.

So we are all streaming and beaming our light now, and this light is impacting others. They will feel it in their being. In fact, the last few days as I have passed people when I am out shopping and running errands, I have noticed some of them look at me in a new way and often begin to smile for no reason. They are feeling the light. The light is beginning to stir their own awareness. This will continue to intensify in all of us as we continue with the embodiment process and move into our I AM. It’s one more tool that we have, and it’s effortless for us. By simply being our new Self, we create change, as we move from the old to the new.

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