Overriding the Old, Creating the New

This last week since the eclipse has been a big one, as many who are doing this work were dealing with the familiar challenges of working with all this light. You may have been tired, needed more sleep, had aches and pains, and maybe had digestive issues as well. Old patterns seemed to be flaring up as we cleared even more of the deeply embedded patriarchal patterns. We are finally ready now to be done with them and all of the havoc they have wreaked, as we all balance the new masculine and feminine energies within.

Once we embody the new masculine energy we anchor it on the earth.

I’ve had three or four dreams recently where I am a man, and I’ve never dreamed I was a man before. But I see this as part of anchoring the new masculine energy. Our new masculine (we all have both feminine and masculine) is balanced, at peace, supportive, not angry, contributing to the whole. Its power is expressed in a new way, never power over, but power with: co-creative empowerment. Once we embody the new masculine energy we anchor it on the earth, on our New Earth, in this new way. This helps all of us to shift out of the pattern of women being in supportive, less-than roles. We empower our Selves to be supported for who we are, and we become able to accept the support. We become supportive of our Selves. We command this by our very presence, and this is happening now. This enables us to care for others in a new way, because this caring now comes from Loving our Selves.

This integrated energy will fuel our new solar cells as we open to all the new creative power and possibility.

We continue to move into the power available to us in the new energy, and we see our intuition and creative ability expanding. It’s important to situate our Selves in the new and create from this space.

I just had another example of this. I ordered some books and selected free shipping, then got an email saying free shipping would take 8 to 11 days. I said, out loud, to myself, I want the books in two days! Shortly after that I got an email telling me the books would be coming in two days. This is how we override the old world, which we can do by simply saying what makes us happy and what we need. The New Earth is our creation, and it’s important for us to remember, at all moments, that we are the ones creating it. We are no longer agreeing to the old rules.

As the space between the old and the new grows, the old world is feeling more distant. We are no longer making the effort that we made before to connect with it. We’re being shown that the more we stay in the space of loving our Selves and making choices that make us happy, the better we feel. We are learning how to create the new as we release the old. All of this is new territory for us. We are making the pathways for others to follow when they choose to live in a new way.

These are good times to once again focus on loving our Selves.

Right now we are in a quiet space, and I’m reminded these are good times to once again focus on loving our Selves. We have all dealt with so much pain in our lives, and we need Love to counterbalance that, to return us to our natural state, wherein we know who we are and who others are as well.

This morning a memory popped in of someone who caused pain for me 30 years ago by judging me with one comment. It finally occurred to me to clear this. Here’s what I did. I used the Ho’oponopono technique, which is simple yet powerful. You do this by yourself while you think of that person and that experience. You say to yourself: I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. I have done this with many people but never with her. Each time I’ve noticed the pain goes out of the experience, but this time something different happened The moment I said those words, the experience and my memory of it shattered into a million tiny shards and was pulled into the crystalline consciousness as new creative energy, available to be accessed in a new way. Think of the power of this if we all do this. Think of all the creative force we will free up and put to new uses. I invite all of you to do this. I’ve created an energetic space to help with this if you want to use it. Just make that your intention. Otherwise, do it as you feel guided. You free not only you, but the other person too, so that you can both move into more freedom. Say those words as many times as you need to until you feel a release. Often, we resist by saying, wait, I didn’t do anything wrong. But this goes beyond who did what. By using this technique, we free our Selves and others too. This helps the collective, and it is one form of service that we can provide to create a better experience for everyone.

When we embrace our power and use it to create freedom, when we move into our sovereignty, we become powerful creators of our new world. Let’s all make peace with our Selves.

There is so much power available to us in our new sovereign states. Let us begin to create not from fear, but from Love. These are super challenging times, but deep within, we do know what to do, and we know too that we can do it.

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