February’s Doorways into the New

Saturday the snow was falling thick and fast where I live, not a common experience here, and in the midst of it I went for a walk. I always loved the first snow every year when I lived in the Midwest, and this was a perfect opportunity to experience that again. One of my favorite things is to walk in falling snow, especially if I know it won’t be around for months. It was snowing on the daffodils, which have been blooming for a couple of weeks now. Snowing on the fence posts and the pine boughs, on the rooftops, on the pathways, and thick flakes were piling up on my hat. It was beautiful as our green world turned white. And then it started melting.

We’ve been hurtling forward in February, activating so many new parts of who we are. We’re especially activating our telepathic abilities and our intuitive sense so that we can tune into guidance as we move more deeply into the new. The guidance is often subtle, like whispers from spirit, helping us come into a place of full alignment with the Love that is already within.

We’re being reminded to use our imagination like we did as kids, when we dreamed whole words into being without a second thought, worlds with castles and horses and even beings that our parents told us weren’t real. And we never thought twice about it. Because for us, it was real. The magic was real.

When we grow up we put the magic away. We get busy with our lives and forget our ability to be creators of things that make us happy. Now is the time to call those skills back into being. There is a reason we have them. As we create the new worlds that we want to live in, we can put those skills of imagination creation to very good use.

We can all see that everything is coming apart in the old world as it loses energetic support. We see that many are taking sides, one side or the other. We are in a volatile time now as the old separates from the new and all kinds of things can happen. The important part is that we remain in our calm and neutral space where we know we are safe and all is well. This helps to stabilize everything and especially to stabilize our new creations. One of the most important things is that we create from our space of remembering Love, remembering the possibilities of Love. And it is up to us to create a new that is very different from the old. We are ending the old patterns of suffering and turmoil and replacing them with Love and peace and balance and harmony. We are creating over what was here before, putting our new in its place. In our world we are beyond drama, shame, war, hatred, guilt and anger. So even though these things are around us, we continue to put our new into place everywhere we go, because Love is our new way of being.

Our hearts are erupting with new light now.

Our hearts are erupting with new light now as we embrace our sovereignty, as we embrace the reason we are here, as we embrace our new power and create the new. The light fills our own system and then spills into our environment. The light coming from us helps to create our New Earth. We are now sending out so much light into the old to help it evolve, just by being who we are. Our light touches other people and they feel it, they are drawn to it, they respond to it. They feel our respect and kindness and they return this to us.

We can now experience what it is like to allow everyone to be who they are, and we can stay in our own space as well. It’s not up to us to be determining what happens for anyone else, unless they ask us for input. Then we can definitely assist. We will find more freedom in this space, and it will allow us to focus more on what we are here to do as we remove our focus from what others are doing.

You may notice moments of worry or fear or feeling down as we move thru this necessary phase of completion of the old. Realize those feelings are temporary. Find the joy in the moment, and know that you are creating the joy. Begin to see the magic that is all around, the magic that we have accessed, the magic that is ours to enjoy.

Remember to call on your ability to use your imagination to create. Call this in from your own childhood. The memory is there and it is being awakened in us now to begin to do this. We set aside everything that isn’t Love in order to create what is Love. We are the ones making this and holding this frequency. Allow your Self to get used to the new as it’s different from what we had. See the way you were and see who you have become. We have all evolved into our more expanded Selves.

And finally, even in the moments you feel challenged, don’t lose faith. We are often taken right to the edge. Those edges are the doorways into the new. And this weekend, we were opening more doors, moving past where we were, once again. It keeps unfolding as we keep dreaming and being and showing the way.

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