We’re Experiencing Expanded Synchronicity

As we continue to adjust to the new frequencies, you may notice feeling more at home in them. At times we can feel the intensity of these energies, but we are integrating them much more quickly and adapting and shifting into increasingly new spaces. We are getting used to an expanded, amplified feeling. We seem to be adjusting much more quickly to what is taking place. As always, go with what you’re feeling and notice the fluidity of everything now, the flow, the opportunity to create, the creative expression of your own power as it takes up residence within.

Experiencing synchronicity at the coffee shop.

The new spaces we are in this month are offering opportunities to see all the synchronicities happening. As we move out of linear time into “natural” time, synchronicity becomes prevalent. We can move thru a day having one synchronous event after another. This past Thursday I had arranged to have coffee with two women, and the place we went to, which probably makes the best mocha around, was oddly closed. I suggested another nearby place. One of the women said she preferred to go to a different place. I said, “let’s drive by the first one, it’s on our way, and if it’s busy we’ll go to the other one.” As it turned out, it wasn’t busy (very unusual) and when we went in, her son-in-law and little granddaughter were there. It was a very unexpected surprise and she was thrilled. “What are the chances?” she said to them. “I didn’t know you were coming here.” And yet in our new worlds, these things are common, because we are creating them. And we’re discovering and trusting our ability to create them.

The Miracles cards from my Talisman deck.

What I like to do is feel my way thru my day, which means I tune in to see what direction or place I’m headed or what I’m doing next. This allows for what I like to call adventure, where you haven’t planned every last detail. You’re allowing for magic and synchronicity by creating space for them. So in this case, I was FEELING like we should go to this coffee place. I hadn’t been there for months, and when we got there, the owner said she’d been waiting for me to come in so she could get more of my Talisman Cards. When she has dinner parties, she likes to put one card under each person’s plate, and she said it’s always amazing how it turns out and the message the person receives. I had been FEELING like I should stop there to say hello so there was synchronicity for me as well.

Some may not notice these are synchronicities, but those of us who have cleared and cleared and cleared some more will definitely notice them especially in this now energy. Chunks of the old are dropping away, and we’re having days filled with happiness and joy and synchronous experiences.

On Friday I met another person for coffee and the place we usually go to was CLOSED. This was also very unusual, so we got coffee across the street and I suggested we sit at the outdoor tables at our usual spot. Several people came to discover it was closed, wondering where we’d gotten our coffee, and then the weekly coffee delivery arrived. I realized if this shop didn’t get their coffee they wouldn’t have anything to serve the next day, so I offered to take the delivery. Then I called the person who usually works there and who lives nearby to see what he wanted me to do with the coffee. He said he would come over right away and put it in the shop. So again, more synchronicity, and everything was effortless.

This is the other key component of these new spaces, things become effortless. Everything works out, the details are taken care of, and there’s no extra effort. All we have to do is enjoy ourselves and do things that make us happy. We’re serving ourselves by making ourselves happy and we’re serving the all by connecting the dots that need to be connected.

We are moving more deeply into what we are creating, meaning we are releasing more of what is no longer working. We’re making some of these choices quickly now, realizing we can release things from our life that don’t support or contribute to our happiness and well-being.

We feel happy as we enjoy doing simple things that bring happiness, like watching a wild creature in our yard—a rabbit, a bird, a fox. Like making tea from roseships that we gathered last fall. Spending time with a friend. Taking a hike in the woods. Sometimes people don’t know what makes them happy, but you can start to make a list of things as you notice that you’re enjoying something. And then make some time available to do those things. Connecting with nature makes us happy because it taps into our innate connection. Being in nature, interacting with nature, helps to balance us and remind us that we are all part of the whole.

From within each of us, new worlds are growing into being.

As we lighten up, literally and figuratively, we feel happier and we have more fun. We experience more joy. We share more joy. This is part of the New Earth we are creating. And within each of us now, these new worlds are spinning from creation and growing into being, from the spaces we have cleared, from our open hearts, from our own intentions to create a more beautiful and harmonious world than the one we have known. We can feel the truth in every fiber of our being, and this truth is speaking to us now, guiding us in what we are doing and who we are becoming. A knowing is emerging from within all of us, a knowing that is bigger than each of us, that is expressing in the unified field. The divinity that we have embraced is emerging, and we, as the alchemists, are giving it form. We are making our dreams tangible and making a path into the new for all who are wanting that experience and who are willing to open their hearts.

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