Our New Earth Normal

This last week has been interesting. Ever since I went into the new space that I mentioned in the last post, where I stayed for a few hours, lots of crazy, unusual things have been happening. Everything does change for us as we evolve into higher frequencies.

We’re inviting our pets and our loved ones to join us on our journey.

I have been inviting my car to ascend with me. Occasionally I tell it, “We’re on this journey together and I appreciate everything you do.” Or whatever words emerge that particular day. This car is 12 and it has been my best car ever, not having any mechanical issues. This week I took it to get the oil changed and when it was done, the employee came to get me in the waiting area and said, “Wow, your car is amazing. There’s nothing wrong with it.” He said he’d never seen that before. In all my years of driving, I’ve never had anyone say that about my car. They had just washed it, too, and it looked like a new car. I’ve been reading comments from people on other sites saying they’ve had many issues the last couple of months with various appliances and equipment, so I’m happy I’ve been including my car in my process. Feel free to include all your appliances on this journey, your residence, whatever feels like it’s a part of you. And of course we can include our family and our pets. Everything can go up in frequency. Extend the invitation, just spoken to yourself. And then each being chooses.

We’re holding the heart energy to the best of our ability and creating in new, magical ways.

The next thing that happened this week was really odd. My cell phone case began breaking apart. Chunks were falling off while it was in my pocket, and the case and phone are less than 6 months old. I went back to the business where I got these items to see if they would replace the case. No. But they offered a 25% discount on a new case. The employee helping me said, “This is wear and tear.” I said, my last case was still going strong after 3 years.” He wasn’t being helpful. I decided to get a new case (a different brand) and as the fellow was ringing it up, I started to take the old case off. Lo and behold, under the hard case was a soft case! Since I hadn’t put the case on the phone originally or even looked at the box it came in, I was very surprised. I had originally wanted a soft case, but the store did not have any when I bought my phone. Now here was the soft case I wanted all along! I said to the employee helping me, “I think I’m set. I don’t need a new case.” He said, “You won’t have the level of protection you had before.” Evidently he was referring to the 3D level of protection, since it fell apart. When I shared this story later with several friends, everyone was surprised, like it was some kind of magic act to find a second case that was exactly what I wanted under the original case. But then I did hear from someone who said she had a double case like that. And when I finally looked up the case online, it said it offered “two layers of military-grade protection.” But I wanted a soft case and one appeared, at no extra cost. It was magic. And we are finding that what we want is coming to us, in all kinds of ways, as we hold this new heart energy.

Another thing that happened: There’s a small dog I see sometimes on my walk, a min-pin. He’s always been fearful and keeps his distance from me, even tho most dogs love to interact. This time when I encountered the dog, I sent him a telepathic greeting and asked how he was. He immediately ran over to me, sniffed my hand and let me pet him. His owner was surprised and said, “That’s a first.” I’ve noticed our telepathic abilities with animals are very high now.

Sadly, another small dog that I know recently died. She was 14. For a few years I saw this little pug on my walks and we became friends. As she got older, she stopped coming outside. Recently I was at her house and saw her after a long time of not seeing her. She kept smiling at me, which was so wonderful. The night after she died, she came floating into my room on a pillow. She said, “Look, I can fly! I can fly on my pillow.” I asked her where her two pug siblings were, who died earlier. She said, “What? They’re dogs, I’m not a dog. And I can fly on my pillow.” And then she was gone for more of her adventure. When I told her person the next day, she said, “That describes her perfectly. She had a pillow that she loved and always sat on, we called it her poof. And she never considered herself a dog. In fact, she didn’t like hanging out with the other two dogs.” This woman had been feeling very sad, and she said hearing that her dog was flying on her pillow made her happy. We’re able to see all kinds of things now, and realize those we’ve lost are OK.

Walking up the hill.

I also ran into someone I know on my walk. He doesn’t live in my community full-time, so he loves to talk when he sees me, but I was on my way somewhere. I said, “I’m walking up the hill if you want to walk and talk.” He said he was going to run up the hill, but then he would wait for me and talk then. (Apparently he was already forgetting I was headed somewhere.) So he fiddled with his watch and then ran up the hill, a block long. I walked my usual speed, which isn’t super fast. When he got to the top and turned around, I was just 20 feet away. He looked surprised and a bit dumbfounded as he exclaimed, “Oh, you’re here.” Again, it felt like some kind of magic had taken place that even tho he was running, we made it up the hill in about the same amount of time. It felt wildly crazy, as if we were in different time zones. But we were in different frequencies.

Our new worlds are no longer in sync with the old. Even tho we are interacting with the old, we are now seeing the impact of our new frequencies on what we are experiencing. These new frequencies are creating experiences for us that are very different from what we experienced in the old, and what others who are still in the old are experiencing now. This will become more and more obvious to us. And please share if you’re noticing this too.

This week has brought some intensified ear-ringing, much higher in pitch. You might have also needed to nap a few times. There’s some exhaustion, lots of people who’ve been doing this forever are at their wits’ end. Some have moments of wanting to give up. Somehow we all keep going, and then we get rewards. Something magical, something that makes us laugh, something that makes us experience the Love that we are all about. And that’s why we continue anchoring and holding this new heart energy. We’re creating a whole new way of being with our shining Solar Self, who’s now running the show.

5 thoughts on “Our New Earth Normal

  1. I have been experiencing ear ringing or more like a soft static vibration in my ears and head. Very pleasant really, but a little odd. You are the first person I’ve admitted this to.

    • Melinda, you bring up something very key to this whole process–the importance of sharing. I found out quite a while back that if I shared, I would discover that someone else was also having a similar experience. And quite often, they hadn’t yet shared with anyone. Of course, we want to share with someone receptive, someone who doesn’t just dismiss us. I think I’m going to do a post about this. Thanks for bringing it up.

  2. I’ve been experiencing ear ringing too, but mostly static raining in my ears. Sometimes I feel like there’s a message being spoken or transmitted just beneath the static that I can’t make out yet. And there have been one or two instances where I’ve asked as I’m laying in bed for the message please, and I feel like a higher part of me is actually understanding some of it as I wake up so calm and happy. Thank you Terry, for your kind and love filled guidance. Your words always make me feel instantly inspired and connected.

    • Laura, thanks for joining in on this! Yes, some days it’s like static, sometimes it’s very loud, other times it’s gone for a while. Lisa Transcendence Brown commented a couple years ago on her site that she wore ear plugs for 2 years to listen to the sounds and eventually she could discern the kinds of energy–plasma, gamma waves, and so on. All of this energy is helping us to evolve. I agree, sometimes it sounds like messages. If you translate one, let me know! And thank you for being a part of this.

  3. Thanks so much for both of your messages. You are right, I don’t feel so alone in what I am experiencing, and how wonderful there is someone out there who can relate! Yes, sometimes the ringing is loud, other times soft or comes and goes. I wonder if the energies are just ramping up or whether I’m becoming more sensitive to the energies that have always been here. Maybe both.
    Again, thank you Terry! And love to hear more on the sharing piece.

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