The Energies of June

With all the clearing we have done to create a new template for our new world, we are now seeing the evidence of that space coming into being. This month especially seems to be bringing more of that to us. We’ve had wave after wave of intense energy, and these insistent frequencies continue to shift and push us into the new as the crystalline consciousness establishes itself here, there and everywhere. We’re seeing just a little bit of the magnitude of the unfolding that is taking place. The bottom has dropped out on the old, very tired, undeniably broken, unbalanced masculine approach to how we have lived, and you may have felt this in a very physical way, with pain or discomfort or upheaval at the base of your spine or in your lower chakras.

I tweaked my back on the lower right side, and the message that came thru was, the old masculine is done. With this we are seeing welcome signs of the new masculine, with its balanced, supportive energies, its neutrality, and its sense of freedom. I’ve been seeing this refreshing change for the last several days. It’s like seeing a new color palette. Finally, the divine masculine and feminine energies are working in tandem. This creates a major boost to what we’re creating, as we begin working together.

With those old energies gone, our playfulness comes back in a big way.

With those old energies gone, our playfulness comes back in a big way. Our sense of fun returns. We can enjoy some downtime. We can let ourselves off the hook because we are doing in a new way now, simply doing what shows up to be done, in the effortless way that we’ve learned. And of course we’re creating by thinking, manifesting from our heart centers.

One big change I noticed: when I tweaked my back, I immediately heard, your body knows how to heal itself. No worries. So for the first time ever, I didn’t go to a chiropractor. In fact, just the idea of filling out paperwork in an office made me feel a bit woozy. But this message was clear and strong, and I was told just a couple of days till you’re fine, this is clearing out the old, which often happens thru us. And that’s what happened. My body took care of itself in an expert way while I simply watched it happen. So this shows us what these new timelines are like and what the incredible possibilities are, and it’s important to be open to our new possibilities and choices. It’s important to pay attention to our guidance to see what we’re being shown. Each experience can be an opportunity to find out about a new way to be. This is all about letting the crystalline consciousness do what it does. This is powerful, expansive light now running our systems.

We’re being shown what we’re capable of. Thus it’s important to look at these new possibilities.

We are being freed from the timelines of limitation and powerlessness, where we had to go outside of ourselves for answers. We’re being shown what we’re capable of. Thus it’s important to look at these new possibilities, to explore them, to learn what we are able to do now. Our powers are being returned to us, they are now available to us, it is up to us to embrace them and embody all of this newly minted power and potential. If we don’t explore it, we won’t know what we can do. It is up to each of us to follow our own guidance. We are each in that unique position now. We are each creating our own universe.

This is all part of our multidimensional experience, where we embody and actualize what our new Selves can do. What has been held within for so long is now being activated, in order for us to experience new realities and a new way of being, where we are the ones creating. There is a saying in 3D, the sky’s the limit. When we move into the expanded frequencies of the New Earth, that saying no longer feels very big. In the New Earth, the sky is no longer the limit. We move WAY past that. We move past every limitation that we lived by in the old world. Much of what we accepted as truth is not true. Our new measuring stick is multidimensional and we’re no longer measuring our success, we’re tracking our truth, our happiness, our joy, our peacefulness, our sovereignty. These are the components of our new lives.

June is already very different from May in its solidity. In other words, we’re seeing things that were only concepts not that long ago becoming actuality/factuality. It wasn’t all that long ago that New Earth was just an idea, and now it’s here. Once we are in it, we can bring others into our experience for short times, such as while they are interacting with us. Many are now experiencing awareness of what they are seeing and sensing and feeling. There’s recognition.

The new framework is in place, held and created and visioned by our heart.

This new framework is in place, held and created and visioned by our heart. It’s a dynamic living system and once we assume our role by bringing in our Self and embodying this living dynamic, we can maintain it. And this becomes an effortless process, once we are making self-supportive choices and no longer going against our Self by agreeing to be less than we are with anyone.

Continue to pull your energy back from whatever no longer resonates and invest that energy in creating what does. Whatever we correct/change/clear in our inner world is reflected as empowering change in our outer world. It’s a long process and sometimes we lose patience with how long it is taking, but then we see the leaps forward into the new, like now, and have experiences we’ve never had before. Everything we’re putting in place is expanding and growing. Johnny Appleseed has become Joni Starseed, seeding not just the planet but the cosmos.

2 thoughts on “The Energies of June

  1. I love your sharing about the new energy. It is truly joyous and playful. Just yesterday my husband and I decided out of the blue to have a “play” day. We rode bikes out in the country, went to a Greek festival in our neighborhood , heard an artist talk about his art, and just kept following our joy. It felt like the energies you are talking about, It wasn’t long ago we envisioned a new life for ourselves , we moved cross country leaving behind the life that no longer felt like us. And started all over again( after living in the same place for 31 years.) We have fallen in love with our new life. And joy keeps surprising us. Thank you for this inspiring post.

  2. Melinda, it’s so great that you shared this. I also had a very playful weekend that was so unexpected, and many others got pulled into the joy of it. We really are seeing the potentials available to us. And finding out that it’s OK to have fun, to enjoy ourselves. We’re here to be happy. We’re here to create lives that make us happy. Well done!

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