Landing in Our New Spaces

Landing in our new spaces, and there’s a big S on there for our new Super Self.

We are moving into some amazing times after all our hard work. What we are experiencing is the New Earth unfolding from our inner dreaming into our outer world. We cleared, we cleared, and we cleared some more, and we are now experiencing the very things we have been dreaming into existence, wondering if they would ever get here and not really knowing how it would happen. The Solstice has brought another enormous shift, and if you have been one of the ones clearing out the old and dreaming your new, then you are experiencing the unfolding of the new now. Our new worlds are arriving and we’re seeing the start of what they’re bringing.

On the Solstice several of the things I have been dreaming of arrived, with visualized scenarios clicking into place. They were visualized and felt, as in: this is what happiness feels like. One of the things I have been visualizing, without knowing how it would arrive, is community. And in a very unexpected way, it did arrive. A group of people who feel like soul family appeared. I only knew one of them, and yet they felt like old friends, and we all shared food and laughter and stories of synchronicity and Love. It was effortless, and it was guided by tuning in, by listening to and following guidance.

These experiences show that we are moving into a whole new reality. We’ve known it was coming. To experience it is exhilarating. We are beginning to experience at the level of soul, at the level of our embodied new Self. Evidently this new Self has known what it was doing all along.

We’ve all moved into the new base camp.

And our moving into this space has upped everybody who’s not there in their understanding of what’s going on and in their connection to all of it. Everyone is now operating at a new level. Everyone is more open. We’ve all moved into the new base camp. And this means everyone will be living in a new way, beginning to follow their own promptings. The path has been made, the foundation is laid, the new space is ready. All it requires is your own frequency equivalency.

I mentioned in the last post that I was seeing explosions of light on June 11, all over the planet, explosions that were changing life as we know it. Denise LeFay at HighHeartLife has just written about this in her new blog today, called “True Lightwork”. She too said she saw explosions of light, like bombs going off, all around the earth, demolishing everything that is not of the light. At the time I wondered what the impact would be, but now I am seeing that is has created some impressive change. One of the best things I’ve noticed with several people is that they have forgotten that they don’t believe in what is taking place now. They are suddenly believing in all kinds of new possibilities. This is going to move us even more quickly into the new.

The term mind-blowing arrived on the scene in the mid to late 1960s, which is also when we first encountered the beginnings of what we are experiencing now. The first taste came then and that term got used a lot. We’re in mind-blowing territory now but in a very new way. We’re landing on shores we’ve never visited before. And as soon as we explore, we’re carried to newer shores. So we will continue to have new experiences and time to practice being in these new spaces, where we operate from Love, where our heart centers run the show, where we finally enter the peace and harmony and balance we’ve been calling in. Where we live in balance with everything, where we co-create.

Some of us came to be the builders and creators of the new world. We have done this by restructuring our own bodies, deeply clearing the old and bringing in the new framework to create the bridging. As this completes, then others can begin a much faster process of becoming crystalline and many are going thru this process now. They are beginning to see and be shown how the old is no longer working. Their old familiar routines are not bringing happiness. They’re bringing struggle, disappointment and frustration. And once they can see this with true awareness, they will shift. This group is now poised to release the old programming and patterning so they too can move into new experiences.

We’re going into the timeless, feeling, connected spaces of the new frequencies.

We’re now having glimpses and full-on experiences in the new. We’re going into the timeless, feeling, connected spaces of the new frequencies. Spaces of joy, fun, laughter, ease, sovereignty, unity. You will feel when you are in these spaces, because everything flows. There’s newness and there’s a feeling of “home.” You connect with people who feel familiar, and you connect in a new way, thru the unified field. You’re lighthearted, at ease, and you’re sharing your truth without worry, without ego. You’re connecting thru your new Self that you’ve worked so long and hard to bring in.

We are the conduits of the new way, bringing that energy thru, embodying it, and sharing it. Big things are happening. We’re in the quickening, where we can feel our new lives and know they are real, as the old releases its grip and we release the old and all the ways we agreed to it, to what was not our truth, to what did not support us.

We’re still seeing the old around us, but try not to get pulled in. Focus instead on all the success we are seeing in creating the new. It’s time to live in our new worlds, whenever you’re ready. If the old latches on to you in any way, see how soon you can shake it off or pull yourself out.

Our new Selves are here, and it’s time to transfer power over to them. We can stop hanging out in the old world, it’s over and done. And we can make a new choice now to live in a new way, as a sovereign being embracing all this new light.

4 thoughts on “Landing in Our New Spaces

  1. I am feeling a big YES! to the quickening of a new earth world shift and all you have shared. We are here to ride the waves and plant our feet on new soil as empowered beings of love and light . What a glorious time. ♥️

  2. An insight came this morning that “I’m starting to see what’s right with the world instead of what’s wrong.”

    • That’s powerful. Our perspective is very important in what gets created. What we see, what we give our time and energy to, this all brings in what we are creating. When we pay attention, we can see ourselves shifting from seeing what’s wrong to what’s right, or to what we want to create. Then we see our creations taking shape. Beautiful.

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