Let Freedom Ring

Each holiday that we encounter shows us how much we have changed and evolved. Over the 4th of July I was surprised by how many people told me they no longer enjoy it. There’s too much noise, litter, commotion and, according to an acquaintance in law enforcement, lawlessness, creating more stress than enjoyment. On these holidays (and when I first typed it, it was auto-corrected to “old days”!) our own evolution becomes even more evident as we see that we are losing alignment with events that have been a part of our lives since we arrived on the planet. And each of us can change what was into what we now want to experience. This is what we are here to do now. Just remember, we are creating what makes us happy, for the good of all.

We’re becoming as new as these little guys.

As we continue to release the old and integrate all this intense energy, we also have to begin to reinvent who we are. This happens as we observe who we have been and embody who we are becoming and notice the differences. Who are we are becoming? It’s definitely someone new, because we are seeing new aspects of ourselves emerge. We are feeling them and experiencing them, each in our own way. We might find ourselves behaving in new ways or saying new and unexpected things. We might find ourselves being less afraid. We may be noticing we are wanting different experiences. This is challenging but also beautiful and empowering, and we are learning as we go. We are finding we are willing to stand up for ourselves, to make strong boundaries when needed, to say that something is not OK. All these changes make us feel good, empowered, and you may find yourself saying, I wish I could have done this years ago. But it’s happening now, and we are being empowered and made whole. now.

We just keep going deeper and deeper and as we do, we expand out further and further, and we reclaim more of our original POWER. Our power is part of our sovereignty. It is what we create with, it is what we move thru every day with. We are walking taller and stronger and brighter every moment now (except for the days we’re waylaid by not feeling great) as we move into the bigness that was always ours.

We’re creating in new ways, using our power.

As we experience our true creative power and potential we begin to create in new ways, using this power. We’re no longer slogging thru what we need to do, we’re creating in effortless ways the things we wish to see and have happen. I’ve just had two weeks of feeling this, being very invigorated by it, and seeing it in operation as it smooths the way.

Last night there was a big energetic opening, and today I’m feeling a bit sacked, so I haven’t done much. Last night a gateway that has been locked for ages opened, related to the stargate opening that I mentioned in I think the last post. A stargate opened inside us on the front, from our heart center and solar center, sending new solar energy that we have embodied from us out into the world. This is the new consciousness. This unlocking was on the back side of that, and when the lock opened, and the gateway opened, I heard FREEDOM.

We are now free. We are free from all the old constraints and limitations that kept us small. It is up to each one of us to move into this freedom, to see what is there. To notice any limiting ideas and beliefs that come up and let them go. Really feel the freedom within. This freedom is part of our sovereignty. As we empower ourselves to feel this freedom, we embody even more of our power to create beyond limitation, to not accept limitation no matter what its guise.

For example, a neighbor just told me she felt guilty about not doing something, so she was going to do it. But guilt should never be our cause for action. Guilt is a limitation, and it makes us do things for not the right reasons. We want to choose to do things from our sovereignty, from our wholeness, from our happiness, from Love. That’s how we move beyond limitation.

We are letting freedom ring., our freedom, our truth, our empowerment.

With all of this heavy-duty energy and everything it’s creating and triggering, we’re going to see many changes now. It’s important to stay centered and balanced and calm in our knowing that all is well. All of our work to create the new is rippling out and doing just that. So let freedom ring. Let it ring from within you out into our new land for all to hear and experience. Let it ring from within you so that you can know what freedom is, and you can create from your own wholeness and empowerment and magnificence and sovereignty.

This is how our New Earth comes into being.

Thank you so much to those who are commenting and sharing their experience, and to all those who are reading. We are all creating our new community. I appreciate you all.

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