Navigating the New Mega Energy

There’s so much new energy now and we’re learning how to navigate in all this newness. One big message coming in is this: stop dropping back into powerlessness. It’s a habit, and we often don’t realize when we’ve done it. But one good indicator that it’s happened is, it can stir up fear. Our new Self no longer wants to hang out in that arena, and fear alerts us to that fact.

So if you do find yourself becoming fearful in a way that’s not rational, look to see how or where you’re giving up your power to be your sovereign, divinely infused Self.

We’re using our power to create in a new way, beyond what we simply think will happen.

And yet it’s easy for this to happen, especially with the old world still around us and requiring us to take part in certain ways. So we can find ourselves falling back into old patterns without realizing it. It’s important, as soon as you see yourself in an old pattern, to stop and change it. Make your intention about what you want to have happen, picture it, then go ahead with whatever you have to do. Notice what does happen then, and see if you were able to create something beyond what old-world things you thought would happen.

Once our new Self takes the reins, we become warriors of light. There is an internal power and fierceness that emerges that protects our happiness and our desire to live as a sovereign being. We learn to use our voice, to say what we need, to say what’s OK and what’s not, and to have good boundaries. Most of all, we learn about our power as creators.

We are also feeling this blast of incoming cosmic energy very strongly. On the one hand it can cause tiredness, sleep issues and other physical problems, and even a lack of desire to do very much; on the other, we can feel very happy and at peace with everything. We can also feel packed and ready to go, ready to launch ourselves in the new. But we’re not quite where we need to be yet. Our new systems are still coming online, but we’re making big progress.

We sometimes have to give up our treats as our systems adjust to the new energy.

This energy is also impacting our nervous systems. For me, that’s meant I can’t have chocolate or my decaf iced coffee. With all this current energy, our nervous systems are working overtime as it is, so adding any other stimulants is too much for them. But as this happens, it helps us to pull back from whatever we’re doing that “overwhelms” our systems. As as we pull back, we have a new experience. For instance, if chocolate or coffee is our go-to for “waking up” or having more energy, then we get to feel what it’s like not to have that. I’ve noticed I now feel my brain asking for a banana-blueberry smoothie because our brains need natural sugar. And my brain happily tells me when it needs that. But it was only by pulling back from the other that I could feel this. As we stop doing our habitual things, we make space to discover what else is there.

The other message coming thru is to trust. This is one many of us have worked with in the past, but we’re going to a new level with it.

Whatever our remaining fears are, we’re getting a chance to see and experience them. We’re also getting a chance to create something new for ourselves, and the easiest way to do this is to envision a new outcome. What do you want to have happen? Whenever you feel any fear about what might happen, replace that with your picture of what you want to have happen. Remind yourself of your new creator aspect, because the minute we internalize our divinity, we become creators. We just have to use it, we have to practice with everything we do. It’s just like when you learned to ride a bike as a kid. You rode until all of a sudden, you weren’t relying on the training wheels anymore.

Moving into this new energy is a bit like realizing we don’t need the training wheels anymore. We release enough of the old to get a sense of the new. We stop getting hooked into the struggle, in all of its guises. We stop trying to change things in the old ways. If we sense heavy, dark energy, we take care of it energetically. We realize that a bigger-picture, greater-good scenario is unfolding, and we trust our Selves to lead the way. We trust that we are part of the light-filled process. We connect with our own knowing. We allow the Love that is now inside us to rise up and to fill us with new purpose. We begin to live in a new way. We are creating what we need. This is new, and it definitely involves trust.

Many are being moved into entirely new scenarios now so trust is crucial. We don’t have all the answers. But we can observe and pay attention to see what’s showing up. And we can check in to see what we’re creating. What are we thinking about? Are we fighting something, or are we inspiring? Are we allowing the newness to filter in?

It’s easy to get pulled into thinking things are not going well but this is not productive for us. We’re not using our authentic power when we drop back into the struggle.

The drum circle at sunset.

Our thoughts now are materializing quickly. A couple days ago I thought, it would be fun to have a drum circle in my area. The next evening I was riding my bike when someone I know stopped her car to say she was on her way to a drum circle just a short distance away. I decided to go. It was taking place in a park overlooking the ocean at sunset. About 20 people were there in a semicircle so that everyone had a view. Someone had brought extra drums, and we drummed as the sun went down. It was a mild evening, about 60°. The evening before they had seen whales going by, on this night a group of noisy terns flew over.

When I thought about the drum circle, I wasn’t trying to create it. That’s how powerful our thoughts are now in this energy. That’s why it’s been so important to clear out our old patterns so that we can create in a new and powerful way the things we want to experience. I was simply thinking it would be nice to have.

We now have beautiful blue skies, sometimes with fleecy clouds.

We’re making beautiful progress, and one of the wonderful indicators is the sky. We now have beautiful blue skies, sometimes with fleecy clouds. The skies have not looked this clean and clear for many years. This is part of the New Earth being created, and we’re going to see more indicators as we continue with this incredible shift. I’m so glad you’re recognizing your power and joining in to create the world we want to live in.

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