September 2, 2019: Holding the New LIGHT

We are holding the new LIGHT and sending our new patterns into the world.

As these persistent energies continue, creating change in all of us, we are becoming increasingly disconnected from the old world, and I am sure you are noticing how odd it is to experience this. For example, you may notice increasing gaps between you and those who are choosing not to grow and expand who they are. You may be seeing many people bring up fearful topics, things they are afraid will happen, as opposed to realizing their own power to create. Quite a few are jangled by all the chaos, while most of us are feeling quite calm in the midst of all this. It’s as if we know that’s what’s going on is all about evolutionary change and the restoration of workable systems that support everyone. Much of what is taking place are things we can no longer relate to, as they feel quite distant from us. Our role is working with the energies and holding the new LIGHT. We are sending these new patterns into the world.

You also may be seeing some be very judgmental of whatever they do not support. We want to be as neutral as possible, pulling ourselves out of the fray of the clearing and disclosure that is taking place in the 3D realm. We are going to see more of this now. We are also seeing some people aging more quickly. In fact you may be shocked when you see them, even after a short time of not seeing them. There’s a disparity once we stop agreeing to the programs tied to the linear timeline.

You may be finding that you have less and less in common with some of the people you know. It becomes harder to find things to talk about because of vastly different belief systems. At some point we will experience connecting with those who are more aligned with us.

Something is emerging from the drum circle I’ve been going to. With 30 people, a basic rhythm gets started, and then auxiliary rhythms begin as people add their own context. When you hear those rhythms there is a natural tendency to align with one of them, and after I do that for awhile, I notice my own rhythm emerges and I begin playing something unique to me that is also in harmony with the whole. This is what we are doing now in this new energy, establishing and holding our own rhythms within the context of the whole, and not giving our Selves up as we did in the past. We are standing strong in who we are.

We are establishing our own rhythm now, standing strong in who we are.

In the past we sacrificed our own “rhythm” to take care of those around us, and we often got lost in the process. We forgot who we are. As our memories come back, as they rise up within us, as we decide we want to know who we are, we begin to create our own rhythm. And as we create it, as we hear it, we then hold it and follow it. Our own particular song, our unique vibration, is our guiding light. As this song emerges from us, we begin showing ourselves the way. And as we become adept at holding our frequency, we realize we no longer wish to give it up. We are no longer willing to agree to anything less than who we are in each moment. And as we do this, we become stronger and more powerful. This is us moving into our power and claiming it. This is us becoming sovereign. This is us moving into our authenticity.

Once we feel this authenticity, we move toward it. We embrace it. We realize this is who we are and we can’t be smaller than this. We can’t dim our brightness. Our authenticity expands from the inside out, until finally everything that was not authentic is gone. We are sovereign. We are free.

This is what we are experiencing now. Every incoming energy wave, every planetary shift, every movement of the sun and the moon and the stars is impacting us and moving us into our truth. We feel this truth in our heart, we align with it, and we know who we are. And that knowing is growing every day. That knowing is our embodiment of the new energy, of the crystalline consciousness.

With each passing day we feel more comfortable in this new space. And more like we don’t fit in the old spaces. We’ve outgrown them. And no matter how hard we try to fit in, it becomes increasingly obvious that we don’t. If we try to stay, we end up going thru the motions, and our new Self, our Soul Self, is never happy with that. It will show us what’s not working. We will definitely feel like we are not in alignment, and we will be guided in new directions.

These days, you may feel like you’re from another planet as you go out and about. You’ve come to know some things that even you would have once thought were out there. But then the people you know tell you what they believe—beliefs from the 3D world—and some of these are quite strange. We can no longer relate to them.

It just shows how far we’ve come in this process of evolving into our new Selves and our new way of being. But we’re also meeting new people and connecting with them in beautiful ways. The old is closing, the new is opening. And we’re going to experience this in an amplified way.

On Sept. 1 at sunset the sun was streaming in in a new way, and I’ll share this photo so you can see all this light that is impacting us and opening our hearts to our new way of being in our new worlds. This is the light that is helping us to create the worlds we want to inhabit, the worlds we’ve dreamed of. And now is the time.

The sunset on Sept. 1 shows the light streaming in, helping us create our new worlds.

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