Making Our Way into the New

As a teenager I had several dreams about a stairway that went up into the sky and then ended. I didn’t know what it meant then, but in the last few years, going thru this ascension process, it has felt very much like climbing a stairway into the ethers as we connect with higher and higher aspects of ourself. We go up a bit at a time, and then acclimate to the place where we have arrived. Lately this process has accelerated, and because we have cleared so much, we will notice things clearing and shifting very quickly.

We’re creating our heaven on Earth.

It feels like more of our “being,” our awareness, is collecting in the present moment. We’ve all worked on becoming more present, on getting out of the past (what happened to us) and the future (what could happen). When we get present and become sovereign we gain access to create what happens. Thus it no longer matters so much what happened in the past. That was a learning process where we learned many things, and eventually we were able to see the underlying problematic patterns and clear those patterns in order to make it possible for us to create the lives we want to experience. That’s what’s happening now, one step at a time. Many have cleared their primary problematic patterns and moved into feeling more at peace, more present and more free. In this new state, they are considering how and where they want to live. These are the pathpavers, the wayshowers, the anchors, the lightholders, the collective clearers. We came to do this work, and as we began waking up, prompted by inner nudges and feelings, we headed into what needed to be done. Now we’re seeing that a lot of it has been done, and it’s time to focus on creating. It is time for us to have the experience we came here to create.

In the sessions I’m doing with people, I’m seeing amazing growth as people are integrating their soul aspects and moving into their authenticity and truth. We are gaining incredible momentum. Many are also reporting growth in their ability to manifest, and to allow the manifestation to occur, to stay out of the way of what they are creating so it can come in. They’re connecting with the magic, that things can happen that we didn’t expect, and that is part of our power as creators. Everything is changing, and we have to begin to think differently about this whole process. We’re learning how to work around the folks we know who have been able to block some of our creations in the past. We’re not allowing that. We’re claiming our authority. Watch when anyone you’re interacting with is trying to keep you in a low vibration. You don’t have to agree to that. You can pull your energy back and not engage at that level. You can go back to your happy higher frequency, your open-hearted vibe, your manifestation sweet spot. When our hearts are open and we’re aligned with our truth, there’s no stopping us.

We’re establishing a new higher energetic foundation, enabling the whole to have a new, higher-frequency base of operations.

The chasm is growing between the old and the new worlds. Some are choosing the old because they still have issues to work out there. They’re not ready to give up the struggle and the fight. But many are choosing the new and are moving quite literally into new situations, new houses, new opportunities, new experiences. There is a massive release of old energy taking place as people shift, on the physical level, the emotional level, the mental level, the spiritual level. This release establishes a new higher energetic foundation, enabling the whole to have a new, higher-frequency base of operations, which brings everyone into new territory. And we move higher up our own personal stairways to a new world like I saw in my long-ago dream.

Some information came thru yesterday (Sunday) that if there are things you want to clear out still, especially in your physical environment, now is a good time, the next few days. As we release, we make room for new energy. I heard that an “upliftment” is coming on or around the Equinox, moving us once again into new spaces. This will be a noticeable shift, and there will be 2 more of these over the next 3 months. Each of these creates more freedom for us from the old, which will separate off even more.

All the work we have been doing, everything we have done, has brought us to this point where we are now seeing results. The pace is picking up. We have been impacting the world even if we can’t see how. We impact it because we care, because we want a different world, and because we are the ones processing this intense, world-changing energy. We are the ones, in addition to everything else we are doing, who are embodying this energy and bringing it to the planet as the planet and all of humanity evolves. And even if you’re not sensing or seeing your impact, you/me/we are having an impact, and it is now beginning to be reflected back to us in the form of change.

This guy came in thru the almost closed window.

This is a long process, which can feel like it’s taking forever and then some, and it can be hard to be patient. But it’s important to simply maintain our focus. The last two evenings, a slug has climbed up the side of my house and come in the kitchen window, which is closed but not latched, leaving the tiniest opening. And evidently this slug has been able to sense or smell some good food that’s on the counter (bananas? garden produce from a friend?). I’m impressed by its ingenuity, determination and memory. Both times, I happened to walk in the kitchen and find it on the window or the sill, and put it back outside. But if this slug is climbing its stairway and coming in thru an almost completely closed window, then what are we capable of? Obviously, way more than we think.

So let’s release this collective load we’ve carried. It’s no longer ours. Ours is the lighter, freer, sparkly vibe of the new that has been guiding all of us as we make our way up the stairway into our newly minted New Earth.

2 thoughts on “Making Our Way into the New

  1. thank you, terry….what a cool, cool story/perception with the slug-o-wonder!!
    …”obviously way more than we think…” i felt that statement deep within.

    • Su, that’s exactly it, the feeling. Those feelings we feel deep within are our own knowing, and that knowing gets activated by those feelings. Such a great comment.

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