Experiencing New Earth

We are in the midst of so much mystery now, so much magic, as we release the old earth and move into the new. The energies are swirling, reminding me of the witches in Shakespeare tending their pots. A very, very new experience is here, and we are sampling it now as we dip into this concoction that has been created. It is beautiful, it is powerful, it is going to knock our socks off. We are just starting to see what’s possible.

We are probably not going to understand how it happens, how it comes together, but we are going to be blown away by our immersion in it. I had an experience of this a few days ago, and it made me giddy. This energy is uplifting and so soulful when it appears. And it often appears out of the blue. There will be something you are drawn to, you may not know why, but you will feel a pull, a tug. Some force within you will move you where you need to go. And you will have an experience. And you will know inside of you that you just had a taste.

The drum circle met again in the park just before sunset.

This is what happened to me. I got an email that the drum circle was meeting again in the park, due to it being a nice evening. Sunset was getting earlier, 7 pm, so we started at 6:15. There were about 20 people there, and the sun burned white in the sky as it sank into the Pacific. Right before I left my house I heard more swords rattling about impeachment, and I thought, none of us want to go thru these things. We want to be in our New Earth, connected and unified.

As we drummed, we all went into a rhythm, and then rhythms shifted, mingled and came together. It was great to be a part of, and great to listen to. As we played, the Turtle Ship arrived and encompassed us again, bringing us into the harmony and balance and co-creation of the New Earth (I mentioned this also on 9/8). Even a big dog listening about 40 feet away became unusually calm, not barking at other passing dogs, the owner said. I wondered, could anyone sense what was taking place?

One of the two co-founders commented that he had been part of a drum circle in a big West Coast city for 5 years, and it was never as cohesive as ours. The comment was recognition of the New Earth energy that encompassed us in that park overlooking the Pacific.

As the sun went down we played out last set and finished, as always, with some intensity, all of us feeling that rhythm within. Then, in the twilight, a few of us were talking. A woman I didn’t know told a woman I know slightly something she had experienced during the drumming, and that woman told her to ask me, that I might know what had taken place. So she came over to tell me what she had felt.

As we drummed, she felt powerful energy rise up out of the earth that she could only describe as truth. And it touched all of us. But she said, it wasn’t just here, it was the whole earth, it was impacting everyone. She said she had never felt anything like that before. She was very moved by it. I told her that we had been having experiences of New Earth during the drumming, that we were being encompassed by the New Earth energy, held and enlivened by it. It’s the energy of truth, peace, harmony, balance and love. I told her I see it as a Turtle Ship, bringing the New Earth experience in.

She said, how interesting to have that happen as all this talk of impeachment is taking place. She said, it was so powerful and amazing.

The Turtle card.

The woman I know joined us to hear what I’d said. “I drew the Turtle card before I came here,” she said. I love all the synchronicities as we move into alignment. Everything lines up.

When we were talking, there was such strong energy of unification and upliftment. I feel like writing about it doesn’t convey the power of what took place, that two people who didn’t know each other experienced the same energy, each in their own words. And a third person was connected to it by the card she had drawn. It filled me with a feeling that what is happening is way bigger than we know. Way bigger than we can picture. But yet it will fill us with feelings of connection thru the unified field. It will transform us as we experience it, and we will feel the transformative power of it. Because we are this energy, we are creating this experience. When we create it and then step into, wow. And when we step into it and feel what it actually is, double wow. It’s way bigger than anything we could imagine creating.

From the beginning I’ve said, create, put your picture out there of what you want, and allow it to be way bigger. Allow it to surprise you. Because that’s what’s happening.

And remember that last week, I mentioned that alcohol as an abusive substance was being removed from our reality. I heard from someone that she poured a drink for herself, drank it, got very red and flushed and felt not quite right, and said to her partner, she thought she was done with alcohol. Then she read my post. We are having validation, all of us, about what we are feeling, seeing, sensing and intuiting. We’re all being guided.

I had several more New Earth experiences this week. It seems they are happening frequently now. I’ll share them soon when I have time to write.

Our new systems require high-frequency energetic support.

In the interim, be open. We’re in our new formats, our systems have been reset. If you don’t think this has happened for you, continue with the self-care, including feeding yourself well with high-frequency, wholesome food, especially lots of organic fruits and vegetables. Our new multidimensional Selves need high-frequency nourishment.

2 thoughts on “Experiencing New Earth

  1. I feel for myself what you are sharing as an aliveness in my whole being. At times I feel immersed in a subtle vibration that is ” buzzing” which feels soothing to my whole system. There is something happening beneath the appearance of things that is new and surprising.
    Thank you for giving it voice.

  2. Ah yes, the buzziing. That subtle vibration of the new that we feel within. Eventually that becomes who we are, that new frequency. Thank you for sharing that!

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