As we do things now, we are aware that we are choosing to do them. Anything that we do, it must be our choice. So even if we have to do it, we can still choose it and do it from a place of loving our Self.
What I am noticing is the extents the old is going to to try to maintain its hold. One of our tools is our inner truth meter. We can now feel truth. We know when we’re hearing something that is true and when we’re not. This can help us with our choices and decisions. The trick here is to not go with what you THINK it should be but what you FEEL it should be. The heart can feel truth while the mind is still susceptible to being led off-course. The mind still tries to work with what it learned years ago to make decisions, but we are in a new time zone, a new arena, a whole new experience. We are choosing moment to moment based on how things feel.
Saturday, for instance, was a very nice day and in spite of me having a few things to do, all I WANTED to do was ride my bike. It feels very happy when I do this and I am outside in the natural world, with the squirrels and birds and bunnies and deer and caterpillars. I was feeling very unmotivated to do the things that needed to be done. You might be experiencing this too. This is part of the release we are experiencing. Our soul is choosing happiness and love, while our ego is still reminding us to be sensible and to pay the bills and do the chores. We will all navigate this separation as we go thru it, as we work our way out of the old obligations and make our way into the New Earth.

Several years ago, I was riding my bike on a brand new road in my neighborhood with no houses. It was perfect for a ride! All at once I heard the elk herd coming up behind me, running. Something had spooked them. There was nothing I could do except keep riding. They ran carefully around me, the whole herd of 60 or so! I was reminded of that today—as we navigate this energy, we want to keep moving with it. We don’t want to struggle with it, we want to let it carry us. This new energy, this new consciousness, all this Love, is taking us to a new place, the earth we want to be a part of. And as this energy floods in and all around us, we want to keep moving with it into the new.
There are those who keep reminding us of all the problems on this planet. By clearing the old patterns out of our system, we are moving beyond those problems. We are moving into our creative power, our ability to have clean oceans and rivers and lakes and skies, to have food that is ALL organic because no one has sprayed any of it, to have healthy lives because we are all aligned with our own healing abilities. This is what is taking place now, this shift into a new way of being. Each of us has to choose this. Those of us who have done this work for 20 years have made the pathways, and they are ready to use. Remember your intention, to always express what you want to create, instead of what you think could happen or what you don’t want to have happen. Your intention is powerful. Your belief is powerful. Choose your highest and best.
The shifting timeline is carrying us further from participation in negativity. Negativity is everywhere in the old world, and this becomes apparent. Those caught in negativity are also caught in powerlessness. They have not yet seen the choice.
The gateways continue to open, especially within. Each of these make more expansion into the new possible. I’m feeling the openings, especially the heart openings, and the energy flooding in. Who we were is very different from who we are, and it is good to remember this. We used to be mere mortals. Now we are divine creator beings, preparing to rock our world.

Remember, we hold the light, we are the light. And as we embody our new Self, everything is different. We have taken a step back to have a bigger view of what is taking place. It’s what we’ve always felt and known, the way we’ve been guided. We had a sense what was coming, but no idea of the enormity. And we didn’t realize what our role would be in making it happen.
The last few days, bluebirds have been flying with me on my ride. Bluebirds have only been back here for about 3 years but they’ve been fairly reclusive. Now they’re interacting in a very happy way. And what’s incredible is, the ride itself has been making me feel happy. And the birds are reflecting that.
You may be noticing new confidence now. There’s a wonderful feeling of well-being. Our perception is heightened. You can see your internal changes reflected in your outer world. Our releases create more freedom. This feeling of happiness/well-being is natural, authentic, real. It’s the feeling of the new, of our reinstated authenticity, of our new alignment.
We’re moving quickly now as we establish our Selves in our new energetic spaces. Once we feel our divinity and allow it to be who we are, we are free to live without fear or worry of anyone else’s limits and how they might project those limits onto us. We’re in the new rarified frequencies and learning as we go. Every moment is new and we’re finding out what we are capable of.
Your message is enlivening and enlightening. I love that you say, “We hold the light, we are the light.” This new alignment as light feels so authentic and true. Thank you.