Synchronicity is fun, and it’s something that gets our attention. We notice it, and we’re supposed to, because it feels magical. In the beginning we usually call it a coincidence, but as as we move into the energy of New Earth, it’s something that becomes more common. It happens a lot. It reflects back to us the alignment of everything in the unified field that we’re all a part of.
So, about a week ago, I was doing a session with someone who was in Sedona on a trip, and she had seen a being sit down near her when she was outside. Who was that, she wanted to know. That’s how it started.
I am often surprised by the information that comes thru for people during sessions. All I do is connect in to see what’s there, what’s wanting to be expressed or shared. In her case we tapped into something totally unexpected for both of us.
This being, it turned out, was connecting with her because she was in Sedona, on ancient land, exploring that area and experiencing the energies. Sedona is a powerful place, not just for its vortexes, but for its long-ago history and the beings who were there then. They had come at that time to raise the frequency of the Earth and it didn’t work, and they left. That’s a whole other story. But the memory is there.
This being as well as a couple other spirit energies brought the information thru that it was time to do a ceremony to help bring the New Earth energies into bloom. Every day, the New Earth is becoming more real for more people, and this ceremony was to assist that process. The ceremony was also to help her move past her fear and into her power, to move past the last limitations that were keeping her from expressing her divinity.
The background: In 2011, a friend and I were guided to do a trip to the Southwest to plant a crystal for the new Tree of Life to create the New Earth. Off we went, following the guidance showing us how and where. We drove down a quiet highway in Arizona as the sun was setting, calling in the ancestors, and then we were shown the spot, in an isolated place near a creek bed just off the road. We planted the crystal there. We took photos, and in the photo afterwards you can see all the orbs of spirits that showed up.

The tree grew, and I began to have experiences related to New Earth.
The woman who was in Sedona was told to do the next phase related to this tree, to do a ceremony to bring it into bloom. The details were up to her. She chose a place and together, we picked a time, 7 pm last Sunday.
She texted me just before, saying she didn’t know if she could do it. Her fear was strong, and it was dark outside. She had to walk thru the dark on a trail to get to the spot. It was about a block and a half away. I had given her the option of doing it right outside where she was camped, but she had picked this other spot. She was being guided as well.
Another friend arrived at my house just before 7 and we went to the drum circle together. We had said we would provide support thru drumming, and we asked several others to be involved from their own homes, in whatever way they were guided.
The drumming at the drum circle that night was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced at this circle before. It started off as usual and soon grew in intensity and pace, energizing everyone in the room (we’re meeting indoors now). The first set continued for 25 minutes, and when it finished I could tell the ceremony in Sedona had been completed. We drummed for another 35 minutes, again, with so much energy that everyone was lifted up by it. People cheered and clapped at the end. The man who helped start this group said again, this was unlike any drum circle he had ever been in with the cohesiveness and coherence being expressed. And the dynamic rhythms and sound each is bringing to the whole.
Later, I heard a report from the woman in Sedona, who had a powerful experience. It was personal, I won’t share it all. But as she fell asleep that night, she felt herself far above Earth, looking down. She saw herself in the ceremony, with a Native American spirit and another being. They were working together.
And the next day I heard from one of the women who took part from her home in Oregon. She began drumming at 7 pm, and she heard singing. She looked around to see where it was coming from, but she was alone. There were two songs. One was, “I am the light of the world.” The other one was, “Oh Mother, bring our world together.”
This morning, I was looking something up online, a show at an art museum in Nashville, and this is what popped up. The Tree of Life in Bloom. It was synchronicity in action.

Begin to see how your own Tree of Life is blooming. Begin to feel how you are a part of the whole Tree of Life. What’s coming into your experience? What are you creating? We are all the light of the world as our world comes together in a new way. We are in a new time, and we are being asked, each of us, to come into our power.
We’re in our new format, the Earth is in her new format, we’ve done what couldn’t be done all those ages ago. The frequency is higher now, which changes life for all of us.
The energy of this message is so beautiful.
Thank you Terry.
Melinda, thank you so much. It can be hard to describe what’s taking place now, and sometimes on the surface it may seem like not much is changing when everything is. So I look for ways to convey the change, so that people can see it or feel it and watch for it in their own lives.
I appreciate how you pick up on this “parallel reality” that is unfolding. It is subtle at times and easy to discount with the clatter and clanging of of the old world . It is so affirming to know others are recognizing this newness too. And the more we give this newness our attention, the more we help co create this shift into a higher reality. Thank you for sharing your observations and wisdom .