2019, the Year of Amplifying Our Evolution

This year, 2019, has really amplified our evolution, pushing us and coaxing us to keep putting one foot in front of the next. To keep moving into the unknown. To not give up any of the space we have created. To trust who we are and what we are doing. To tune into the light of who we are. To continue expanding past our limitations. To love ourselves so much that we know that love is the building block of all that is. To ask for what we need. To begin to see the new taking shape. And to know that this is because of our dedication, our focus and our desire to live in a new way.

We are following the heart, which is guiding us to happiness and truth.

Since October the energetic setting has been very new. In September some of us dreamed of giving birth. Some of us experienced birth pangs. Some of us could feel that a whole new way was coming into being. Our new world is here, and we are in the process now of making it more solid. Of binging what we need into it. Of clearly saying no to what we don’t want in it.

Oh by all means, the old world is still thrashing things out, playing out the old timeline that was not going to a happy place. Those of us who have moved into this new energetic structure have switched timelines. We have stopped believing in and agreeing to what the old world offered and required. Gradually, we continue to extract ourselves from that system of disinformation, disharmony, disavowal and lack of support.

Our heart center is our guide. Our pulsing, lit up, activated heart center is letting us know the direction to go. It’s all about feeling our way, moving toward what feels supportive and good, moving away from what doesn’t. We’re doing this in all areas—friendships, food, activities, services, sources of information. On my bike ride I met a naturopath who is all about sharing her expertise with joy and love. We’re getting more options every day.

We are forming new friendships, based on respect and support, as we co-create a world that works for everyone.

We’re finding out how powerful our new power is. We think about things and they show up. They take shape in our world. We are accepting our role as creators, and feeling the divinity that infuses us. We are seeing things drop away that no longer hold our interest, as new interests begin to appear.

Our creativity, which has been simmering on a back burner for months, is beginning to show up. Ideas and opportunities are emerging and we are deciding if these are a fit.

Our playfulness is emerging and it’s contagious. A friend with a wonderful sense of fun and humor gave me a bat headband for Halloween and I wore it to Cannon Beach and walked around for a short while. It’s very unlike me to call attention to myself, so this in itself was stepping out of my routine. But people had such a fun reaction to it. It brought out their own happiness and playfulness. And bats are all about being able to see thru illusion. We’re all being called on to do that now.

And we’re being called to leadership. Even if we’ve never been leaders and never wanted to be, we’re being moved into those roles. This new energy now fills us, informs us, transforms us, and guides us into experiences where we can lead. I was riding my bike and ran into the botanist who had come down to collect wild mushrooms again. I mentioned him not long ago, when I met him for the first time. Again, it was unexpected and yet, in this new energy, that’s what happens. So I knew I was going to have an experience of some kind. He thanked me for providing a spark for his life the last time we ran into each other. Right away, there was information that came thru me that couldn’t be contained, information to guide him, some past experiences to be released, some forgiveness to take place. He asked if I believe there are some people we can never forgive. I said, we don’t want to carry the weight of that, and when someone recognizes their mistake, that is an especially good time to forgive. He was open to all of it, trusting what I said, listening carefully when I talked about our new world and how he could choose that for himself. He was glad to know, because he said, our old world seems to be ending, everything he knew and believed in.

The Forgiveness card from my Talisman Deck.

These leadership roles may feel somewhat out of our comfort zone, but when they happen, we see that we have been prepared by all the work we have done and all the light we have taken in. We will have opportunities to share the pathways that have been created. And in these opportunities we will not be able to suppress our light, as we sometimes do still. This is to show us what is coming, where we will be shining brightly, as animated as sparklers. There is so much change coming as we finish this year, and our calm, heart-centered leadership is needed. And it will emerge as a natural part of who you are now, who you have become over the last several months.

Doorways into these new experiences continue to open, often when we’re least expecting it, and as that happens, our sovereign Self steps forward. You will probably surprise yourself. When it happens, it feels like exactly what you came here to do.

Doorways into these new experiences continue to open.

We’re transmitting truth in the form of light, Love in the form of light, to those who are ready, and it’s emerging effortlessly from us. Again, this is not our idea, it is a transmission, from our light, from our heart center, and it will emerge when the time is right. All we have to do is flow with it because we are now new, creating the New Earth and showing the way. And as the first ones to arrive, we’re putting up the flag, so to speak. But very soon more who are awakening now will join us.

Remember to choose the new in as many ways as you can. Release the old. This is a whole new time, a whole new experience, so begin to pay attention to how it is showing up for you.

2 thoughts on “2019, the Year of Amplifying Our Evolution

  1. We recently met our new neighbors a couple doors down and and invited them over one afternoon for a drink and to get acquainted. Four hours later we were laughing so hard we all said we wanted to get together again soon. They told us how refreshing it was to meet people who don’t moan about all their ailments and woes. Essentially they were glad to find people who were light hearted and didn’t focus on all the things that are wrong. We felt the same about them. This to me is what the shift is about. Choosing a life of light heartedness and sharing that with everyone we meet. Because there is so much beauty and light around us when we are standing in it ourselves. Your sharing made me think of this as the new energy continues to surprise us at every turn.

  2. That’s a perfect description of this change. And I just had that conversation with someone this afternoon. We want to be around people who share their joy instead of their “ailments and woes.” Most people are so used to sharing their woes they don’t even consider sharing joy or love or inspiration. Sometimes I stop them now and say, that’s not a happy story, so I’m going to choose not to hear it. Because sometimes we don’t want those stories in our own head. Thanks for sharing this. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. And to paraphrase Mr. Rogers, I’ll be your neighbor too.

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