This current passageway (the 11/11) is giving us a chance to see the new and the old side by side and to see what we WERE a part of and what we are deciding to NO LONGER BE a part of. We’re seeing the old energy with all its warts and cuckoo-ness and just plain not okay-ness and we’re making choices about not taking part. We will each have opportunities to choose, and we will be guided to choose from our new and ever-expanding heart-based consciousness. This new consciousness is showing us the way. It’s guiding us to release old problematic ways and to choose new ways based on Love, to infuse our own lives with as much of this new power and beauty and wholeness as we can. We’ve been headed here all year, and for the last 5, 10, 20 years, depending on when your individual journey started. And now the choice has become obvious. What are you choosing for your bright new shiny lit-up freshly minted Self?
These are not easy things to understand or explain. I’ve had a couple recent experiences that threw me momentarily for a loop because they were so odd. And then I saw. It’s the old world compared to the new. And they are very different. When we are in the new energy, the old definitely seems strange. And we are currently being shown just how strange it is. So you may have your own moments of seeing odd or unusual things, or your own unusual experiences. So if something happens and it doesn’t make sense, ask yourself if you are being shown what the old world is like and being asked to make a choice.
Some of the strongest energies I’ve ever felt are coming in now. These are the final push for our move into the new, into creating our new world based on love, honor, respect, mutual support, sovereignty, harmony and peace.
The old world was based on lack, limitation, suffering, withholding love, worry and a host of other things just like that. There wasn’t enough, people worried there wasn’t enough, people shared their lack of love by projecting their pain and none of this was fun.
If you have an experience that seems unusual to you, that is based on lack or limitation, etc, then you’ll know you are being shown the old world. We can then see what we were a part of and just how dysfunctional it was. We all did our best to fit into that, to be a contributing part of it, and it was a challenge. It was especially a challenge to be happy. Until you pull yourself out of the old, you don’t realize the amount of pressure and stress it has placed on you.

As we spend more time in the energy of the new, peace and happiness are naturally a part of that. We are experiencing these new heart-centered, unified connections and noticing how real we are in them. We are totally authentic and sovereign in these experiences. And we can feel how supportive we have become to our own unique essence, and how whole we are. We can feel our integration. We have evolved into who we are and we are beginning to share that with others. We are especially sharing this with new people, as they don’t have any preconceptions about who we are. And when we share our own ALIVENESS and LOVE, we will see others come to life, as if we jump-started their own new Selves by reminding them of who THEY are. They will feel the crystalline light that they are taking in that is helping them to evolve. They will feel the light that we are emitting, our bioluminescence.

We continue to experience a new and expanded version of our Self as we grow and evolve. We continue to step into this expansiveness to see how it fits. And each time we step into it, we expand some more, becoming more than we were. Our newly embodied divinity is enlivening us the be the unlimited beings that we are, to express that aliveness, to share it. It can feel like we’ve become a (very positive, nondestructive) mini-tornado as we go out and about, due to all this new energy we’ve embodied, that has become us and made us into our new Selves. We’re feeling our power, our luminescence, our shininess and our ability to express our wholeness and sovereignty.
So welcome to feeling your uncontainability. I know, not a word, but we are going to need some new words to describe the hoopla that is happening to us now as we pitch forward, gather speed and soar our shiny new Selves into the new.
Such a powerful message for these powerful times as you have expressed here so beautifully . It feels at times that the energy propelling me forward cannot be stopped. And the old has no recourse but to wither away . I love your final paragraph: ‘we are going to need some new words to describe the hoopla that is happening to us now as we pitch forward, gather speed and soar into our shiny new Selves into the new.” Boy can I feel that with my whole body and being!
Melinda, glad you are feeling this energy. What a powerful day this is turning out to be energy-wise, as we pitch into the new. A friend I haven’t seen in quite a while just stopped by and said she can feel something powerful happening too. It’s a beautiful fall day here, sunny and warm. And things are just clicking, clicking, clicking, like I’ve never felt before.
I have been feeling it too Terry.. Really strong energy. We had lots of beautiful snow falling yesterday and I was home alone just basking in the energy.