Strong, strong energies today, the 17th, are clearing some ancient, creaky, destructive patterns related to love and our belief/experience with the lack of it. For about 3 hours this morning I was feeling this incredibly heavy energy as it was broken apart and removed. The removal of it means people no longer have access to it to use it to do harm. Now all they have is the unsupported patterns within them, which will gradually fade. This is very telling of what is taking place now as we move into the higher frequencies of support and love of the unified field. The time has come.
The time has come for this release. In fact, for most of us, it’s long overdue. So if you are having memories or experiences related to withheld love, that is why. The very idea of it seems so foreign now, that anyone would choose to withhold love, yet this is something disempowered people often choose. This is why it has been so important for us to discover our power and to embrace it, to learn what we are capable of once we embody our divinity, to realize that we ARE love. We are made of the light and energy of love, plain and simple. This knowing has been returned to us over the past few years. As we embody our truth, our authenticity and become sovereign, there is nothing standing between us and our purity, our pure love-infused Selves. All we have to do is accept it. And realize we are no longer who we used to be.

We are the power, we are the light, we are the one, and as we begin to have experiences of the unified field, this becomes clear. Right now we’re in and out of it, as we learn to hold this level of energy, as we learn not to fall back into old habits of thinking, as we learn to BE who we now are.
In the past week there’ve been experiences that feel like they’re straight out of Harry Potter. On Monday, the 11th, I realized I had 2 letters that needed to be mailed, so at 11 I took them out to the mailbox. 11/11 at 11. My timing was good. The mail comes in the mid to late afternoon, so I put them in the mailbox, put up the flag, then whoosh, here comes the mail truck, the driver says, “I’ll take those for you.” When I said, you’re early, he replied, “It’s a holiday. We’re only out delivering packages. There’s no mail delivery today.” It was hilarious. Kind of made my head spin because it was so unexpected. Ask and you shall receive. We’re connecting now with that very strongly, not all the time yet, but some of the time. Get ready for when it’s all the time.
So as this super strong energy is bulldozing its way, the path is cleared for more magic. We’ve been experiencing magical things for quite a while, but to have it happen in this new way is wowzer. Once again, we are having our new Selves opened to what is possible when we go beyond limitation, when we go beyond the accepted rules and protocols. And it definitely means we have to stretch our thinking.
There’s someone I’ve gotten to know in the last 3 years or so, she’s become a friend, I see her occasionally, and her daughter, who I just met, said to me, “My mother has developed a glow, it makes her quite beautiful. She’s not who she used to be, she’s quite different. And the whole family attributes it to you.” Another wowzer moment. I’d noticed the glow, but didn’t think about where it came from. I’m sharing this because all of us who are doing this work will be impacting others by our simple presence. We’re sharing what we’re made of, our new swirling love and light cocktail that is obviously being served to everyone around us. Who knew that any of this was possible? We are learning as we go, just what this whole shebang is all about.
The more we don’t suppress who we are, the more we let that out for all to see, the more everyone will be impacted. And as this year comes to a close we are going to see just how much change we have created by paying attention to that persistent little inner voice that’s been nudging us for so long in the direction of all this newness. We’re definitely changing things, and now we get to enjoy and experience the changes. We get to have the feedback that others are noticing, no matter how quietly we’ve gone about this, and no matter how low profile we’ve been. We’ve been home on our couch doing our work, stepping out to go to the store or run errands, trying not to look as unusual as we feel, trying to appear “normal,” and now the lid is being blown off our cover. People can see what we’ve been doing. They don’t know all the details of what we’ve been thru, but they are now noticing that something’s different. So welcome to the new. We’ve created something very special, and it’s still taking shape, but now it’s out in the open. Now our mail gets picked up on a holiday the minute we put up the flag on the box. Our bioluminescence has kicked in, and we’re glowing. We’re finding out our glow is contagious. It’s finally time for the fun. We’ve earned it.
I love your last line: i”t’s finally time for the fun. We’ve earned it.” I’m feeling this too. And yet there are friends and family going through difficult times and governments breaking down. Yet there’s excitement in the air as pockets of Trurh are breaking through,and a feeling of joy that we’ve finally arrived and even a sense of the body glowing. It is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before where everything’s mixed into one and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Again, thank you for attempting to put it all into words.
Melinda, yes, all of that is going on. I think it can be challenging when we see those who are going thru difficult times. We can offer them advice and input if they want solutions. Some are open and are helped by that. Others are not, so they will find their own way. Those of us who have worked on this for 20 years have sacrificed a lot to get to this point to make this new world possible. That’s why we are beginning to experience happiness, magic, fun surprises and more. That really is the new becoming real and accessible for us. Thanks for your comment!