There’s lot of new information coming in to each of us, all kinds of information. Memories, pictures, future events, ideas, insights and more. The flow has increased significantly in December. This is to help us as we move into our new way of being and into being aligned with the New Earth. This is happening now, and we can surrender to this and make it our intention to move easily into the new. We’ve got this, really we do.
The more we release, the more we enter the new, and the less we want to be in the old, which just feels worn out. Little by little we’ve been releasing and moving into these expanded spaces where we discover we’ve given up the need to judge, we given up fear, we’ve given up egoistic pursuit, we’ve given up much of what occupied us in our old lives. Now we’re doing what we love, what makes us happy. Our creations will be amplified in this new energy.

We are releasing the last of whatever is not love, in order to embody and be what is love.
In the last couple of weeks we’ve been shown once again where we were holding back, where we were staying small, and anything we are still holding onto that is just weighing us down. We’ve moved past what was limiting us into more of our truth: our expanded truth, our expanded beauty, our expanded love. We’ve been building toward this for a long time, into being who we came here to be, unhindered by what is now just part of the past. We’re inhabiting our purity, our sovereignty, our new kingdoms we are making from our dreams. We can envision what we want to have and bring it into form.
The other day I thought, the phone companies need to come up with a way to block spam calls. Today I got a text from my cell phone carrier that my phone is now protected from spam, a free service. What are you creating? What are you dreaming into being? As the creators, we have to say what we want to create, at least so that we ourselves know.
A couple days ago a neighbor told me she posted a comment that was very judgmental about a public figure. She said she was immediately attacked and judged. She said, “you really have to be careful on social media what you say.” But as I continued on my walk, I realized that she made a harsh judgment and was immediately harshly judged in return. That’s the way these new energies are working. What we are putting out there is what we are experiencing. Which is why we want to put as much love and kindness out there as possible. It’s becoming our way of being. And this process takes time, none of us is completely there. But we are all evolving into being more loving and more kind, more supportive and more co-creative. And we’re staying, for the most part, in our neutral zone, where we don’t need to judge anyone else’s journey.
But we are also fierce. We no longer allow c-r-a-p into our spaces. Whoever is sharing in that way, can keep it in their own space. And once we are clear on that, and clear from sharing in that way, we no longer have that issue.
So here we are, poised on the brink of our new worlds, seeing them take shape little by little, with lots of synchronicity and an increasing number of miracles. The old world is going thru its process, and we can choose not to be involved in that. We’re not sticking our head in the sand, we’re shining our light for everyone to see. Our power lies in sharing the light we have embodied, the light that is now anchored in our new template, in being an example of the new way to be, with our whole lit-up, co-creative, heart-centered, sovereign Self. When we do this, we are powerhouses, like forces of nature come for the reckoning, here because this is why we came, doing what we came to do, unapologetically: Create a new world. Our momentum is strong now, our numbers are growing, and it’s time. As this year comes to a close, the stars align in a powerful way, supporting us in what we’re doing. We’ve brought creation into our dream by embodying our God Self, now it’s time to bring our dream into creation.
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