Our New Adventure

Big chunks of the old world are falling off now as we move thru this gateway. We are in a very intense time and I’m sure you’re feeling it as we wind up 2019 and move into the New Year. There’s an outer focus on the holidays and festivities and get-togethers with the backdrop of so much around us being unsettled. There is much movement in our inner worlds now, as our outer worlds begin to reshape. Within us we have the unmistakable knowing of what’s taking place, that these surges of energy coming in are carving out our new energetic coastline, our new way of being. And as the New Year arrives, we are definitely feeling the release of the old in so many ways as we realize this is the advent of a brilliant new experience.

And while we don’t know exactly how that will be and what it will look like, we have been envisioning the possibilities for some time now. We’re feeling and seeing those last twinges of doubt, fear and not trusting our own sovereignty and power. We’re seeing those last things that held us back, that we allowed to hold us back, as we move beyond them into our newness. And we’ve been feeling our last sadness as we prepare to finally let it go, to see what is beyond everything that we have known thus far.

We’ve been envisioning the possibilities of our New Earth for some time now.

We are connecting to our divinity in a way that in undeniable, where we can feel it and know it. It is who we are now, and we can feel it inside: the sense of reverence, gratitude, and love that permeates what we do, our new expansiveness, the power that rises from within our being, and the neutrality that forms our new makeup. The knowing of what is taking place: even if we don’t know the details, there is a definite knowing that we are witnessing and experiencing and creating a whole new, never-seen-before experience. And we’re preparing to step into it.

We are working with creation, with being creators, with being responsible for what we are creating. We’re never been in this position before.

We’ve made huge strides with clearing, with continuing to rise up, day by day, no matter what. We’re inhabiting our highest aspects and feeling a new sense of peace, a new sense of purpose, as well as a sense of completion.

Our old experience is ending, even if we don’t know what our new experience is. Just before Christmas I felt the old world with its negativity simply drop off and I couldn’t feel it for a few hours. It was an odd feeling. I knew it was there but I couldn’t access it. We are beginning to experience this, the end of separation and the beginning of unity.

It’s the end of a time when we knew more than we could say, where we all had many experiences that challenged us and helped us to grow. We moved thru pain that sometimes we didn’t know we would be able to do. And yet we did it. What has often saved us is being able to create something from that pain, to speak from the depth of our soul with expression that shares who we are and what we know. Our power is so vast, and we have yet to tap it.

We will find that our old tools no longer work, because it is time to begin to use our new ones. It’s time to access the power and wisdom and knowing our our new being. This is what’s coming.

One funny story from yesterday. I was meeting friends for coffee in the morning. As I got ready I kept hearing, take your own drink. I thought, I can’t take my own drink to a coffee place. But the message kept repeating and so finally I did. As I pulled in to park, out came the fellow who works there to say, “if you want coffee with milk you have to get it somewhere else, our refrigerator isn’t working.” I said, “I’m set, I brought something to drink.” One of the people who’d come for coffee made a quick run to the store for milk and so lattes and mochas were soon being made and we all had a nice time. But I thought, we really are being guided now in so many ways, all we have to do is listen. How hard is that? Even when you THINK the message is crazy, pay attention.

Some are noticing that time is being wonky. It can be hard to keep on top of linear time right now, as we are switching to a new relationship with time. And people are continuing to have challenges of various kinds. Thru all of this, remember who you are and trust your Self.

We’re creating our heaven on Earth.

We’re coming into the new. We’re coming home to who we are. We’re getting close. And while we are still having challenges and times when we feel done with all of it, we can definitely manage our way thru this last little bit, even if we need to swing and push and give ourselves a pep talk. I don’t think anybody knew it would take this long or be this challenging. But we’ve grown and we’ve gotten to experience the beauty of who we are. We’ve gotten to see the light that is coming from us. We’ve gotten to feel our hearts as they release their protective barriers and begin to open to relating in a new way. We’ve gotten to see what’s possible. We’ve surprised ourselves. And we’ve had some incredible experiences. All to arrive right here, right now. All to make our way to where we need to be. So Happy New Year everyone and Happy New Earth!

2 thoughts on “Our New Adventure

  1. My Christmas day, which is usually filled with lots of family and moving parts, was absolute stillness this year. Family members had to work or were visiting in-laws and i found myself home alone for the first time in i don’t know how long. It was absolute joy to be immersed in a pristine stillness. It happened to be a beautiful day with temperatures reaches 50 degrees! So i took my favorite walk in the woods. Again, pristine stillness even as i greeted the other hikers passing by. Mother nature was in her element. And i could feel what you are describing as the new earth. I felt so expansive and alive. When i stopped at the grocery store the following day, i got the same cashier i had the day before Christmas. He had seemed pretty stressed then, but today he looked like a new person. I asked him if he had a nice Christmas. He said, I just stayed home and relaxed and could feel the silence with all the stores being closed. It felt really still.
    New possibilities are in the air for us all! Much love and Happy Holidays Terry.

  2. That sounds beautiful. It feels like you were given a gift to have some time to yourself. My Christmas was also very quiet. I talked with family members on the phone but other than that I spent a quiet day. And on my walk that day, I saw almost no one out and about. It seemed unusually quiet. When I lived in the Midwest and we would get snow, I remember how it would muffle all the sounds. I always loved that, seeing the blanket of white making everything look pristine, and then hearing the silence, until the joyful sounds of children with their sleds began. Thanks for sharing. I love hearing what others are experiencing as we move thru this process.

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