There are so many good things happening now, but they are almost overshadowed by all the challenging things lately—fire, flooding, volcanic activity, earthquakes, political stuff and the transitioning of people we know and care about. It can be so hard to keep our equilibrium in the midst of all that is taking place, not only because of our own feelings, but because we can feel the collective sadness and turmoil as well.
On top of that, we’ve arrived in this new energetic space and we are still getting our bearings. It feels as if we were tossing in a churning sea for a few days. So much is dropping out, and we’re still assessing what has come in. We’ll have a period of adjustment and regrouping as we learn about our new space. But it is definitely new. A little over a week ago I was visited by a creator being who was at the original creation, and who breathed fire (life/light) into our new creation, our New Earth. I felt my old format dissolve, and my new one appear. How this plays out for all of us we will soon see. There is still a lot of energy swirling around. But nothing is going to be the same.

Being in this new space can make us feel disconnected, as if we don’t know exactly what our next step is, especially because we’ve always been able to make 3D choices related to our next step, creating some kind of movement. These old choices are being blocked now, or we’re not choosing them, as we’re assisted with making new choices from our new perspectives. Each will have their own clarity.
What I’m hearing is we’re moving into the leadership roles we’ve been preparing for. More on that in a minute.
For me, this week especially has been sad, first reading about all the animals lost in Australia, then having a young family on vacation in our area swept out to sea by a sneaker wave in very stormy seas. The father was rescued, his two children did not survive. Many of us here felt so impacted by this senseless tragedy. And then someone I know died suddenly and unexpectedly. It is such a huge loss for this family of their husband and father, who was a generous, kind-hearted man. All of this triggered sadness, and we not only feel our own sadness, we feel the sadness of those impacted, and the collective sadness as well.
So to deal with the energies and to also deal with what is taking place in our communities and world is a lot.
We’ve moved into this very new space and we’re still integrating. Many are feeling quite tired and a bit out of it some days, and energized on other days. Many are having trouble sleeping on some nights. As we arrive on a new shore, we’re assessing where we are now and what’s happening.

One thing I’m noticing: I share with almost everyone I talk to about how they can create what they need by thinking about it. Recently I got a text from some neighbors who said, “it happened.” They were walking on the beach, noticing all the trash that has washed in with the winter storms, and realized they hadn’t brought a bag with them to pick it up. “We need a bag,” they said. About 10 feet further down the beach, they found a big blue plastic bag, half buried in the sand. It was just what they needed. They texted me a picture of that blue bag full of trash they picked up. So representative of cleaning up the old and creating what we need. Many have now been moved into this new space of seeing these connections. Another neighbor told me she feels very flat, as if she’s lost all her focus and drive. Again, in this new space we are losing our old mind-driven focus and drive and moving into our new heart-centered focus and choice. As this shifts in our body, it will show up in our reality.
This week I feel very strongly that we are moving into leadership roles. This leadership means we’re helping to hold the new unity. We are being our new Selves and holding the energy of this new time. These leadership roles will be evolving for us. Basically, we’re showing a new way of being.
Friday someone said to me, “If we’re not judging then how do we know how we feel about people?” I don’t think he wanted an answer. He was simply relaying a short conversation he’d had with someone else. In the old world we certainly judged, and many are still judging and this is creating divisiveness.
As we move and are moved into unity, our need to judge begins to go away. And as we clear our own non-productive patterns and stop judging ourself, we find we don’t need to judge others. This whole issue of judgment is up for us now big-time, as there are judgments flying everywhere about everything. But at some point as we move into the new, we realize we don’t have to focus so much on judging. Our focus shifts to holding the energy of love and the opportunity of a new way of being and relating to each other.
So we are in a transformative time now as everyone moves from the old to the new. The energy is strong. One friend told me her heart was pounding for several days this past week, beating too fast, as if she’d had caffeine when she hadn’t. We’ve had fire breathed into our hearts, fire to light us up in a new way, so that we can dream together and create together, so that we can begin to work in a unified way, realizing we are all part of the whole. We are each being guided to create in a new way, to create a new world. How does that world look to you? What are you bringing to our new creation? On this new shore, look inside your own heart to find the seeds of the dream that you hold and begin to grow your new world.