A Gift We Give Ourselves

It is huge when we empower ourselves to relate in a new way—from the place of our open heart. We stop playing the old unavailable limiting games that we learned in the 3D realm. And we grant ourselves freedom to love. This is a gift we give ourselves, and when we do we enter a new terrain. And it can feel a bit raw and unknown for us emotionally but as we feel our way in it and into it, we can have moments of connection with our Self and others that are truly amazing. These are glimpses of our whole new everything.

As we enter this space we are finding that 3D is not our business anymore. We still have things to do there, but increasingly we will see that we don’t have to go there unless it’s necessary for us to do so. Thus we can let go of the ways we tried to make it our business. As you observe your own interactions, these will become apparent to you. We are learning as we go so we don’t have to be hard on ourselves about this when we do get involved. We all still do. One big important thing we’re lacking on this journey is an instruction manual. But you may notice now a growing feeling of that’s not my world anymore.

We eventually come to a place where we don’t want our pot stirred by anyone else. And a lot of us have allowed others to stir our pots. It is very empowering to finally see this and then to make choices that are supportive of our own happiness and equanimity. We get to do our own stirring, we get to add our own spices and flavors, and eventually we take this to the potluck of the unified field, where we all share our own beauty and the beauty of what we are creating, first individually and then together.

We’re empowering ourselves to relate in a new way—from the place of our open heart.

Friday morning someone asked me what my plans were for Valentine’s Day. It felt like such an old world question. My only plan was going to get some groceries as well as a chocolate bar that the store was gifting as a Valentine’s treat. And then taking a bike ride. And during and after that I was open to what was happening. So what happened was that on my way home from the store, as I was driving, I found myself immersed in the field of Love, and it was beautiful and powerful. I found myself feeling that everything that seems like it is not Love is OK, I don’t have to worry about any of it, I can simply choose to do what makes me happy. That felt important, as I had still been concerned about how some things didn’t seem to be changing fast enough. But later, that evening, as I was writing this, all of it felt OK just like it is. It’s like a big chunk of my personal iceberg fell off and I’m not responsible for anything that’s not in alignment outside of me anymore. This is how we become sovereign.

What I felt while I was driving was the sun shining down on me, and that sun or God energy was the same as Love, and it was lighting up my heart, my soul, my entire being. We are still releasing things on a very big scale. Someone I know said to me recently, “I don’t know who I am now.” That’s a true statement as we release who we were and continually meet the new person we are becoming every day. This past week I’ve been releasing taking part in people’s games. I hadn’t even realized I was doing it until I saw these in action, and I wrote about this in the last post, but now that I’m seeing them I am clear that they are not of interest to me in my new space. So I still interact with the person, just not with the game. We continue to choose a new way of being, thus freeing our Selves to a greater degree from everything that held us back and kept us contained. Freedom means we get to choose, and I’m noticing as I stop playing a part in people’s games, they begin to let go of the game. All we do is place our energy in neutral and make ourselves happy in every moment. And we clearly express what we’re doing or what we want to do, and we say what we need.

I just had a dream in which I was back in my life 20 years ago. In the dream, my powerlessness to create what I wanted to experience was amplified, and when I woke up I could not wait to throw off those powerless feelings, to realize that I now have choice, and I can create, in every moment, by choosing. We have all grown so much. We’re no longer stuck in not believing in ourselves, in not believing in our magic.

As we remove our Selves from the old, we move into the new. We infuse our Selves with the energy of the new. We’re choosing sovereignty, we’re choosing Love, we’re choosing peace, we’re choosing not to be angry or judgmental. When we focus anger on something we don’t like, we are showing where we are not in our power. What we don’t like is not a part of who we are anymore, and it’s important to notice how we’re giving up our own power by focusing anger on things outside of us that aren’t what we want them to be. Instead we can picture what we do want to have and allow that to come in, using our creative power as divine creator beings.

Our new world is all about LOVE.

We continue to choose Love, we continue to choose to love our Selves. In the past, on Valentine’s Day, we had expectations about love and being loved and what that meant for us. This year we can finally see that as we choose the experience of Love, that’s all we need to do. We don’t have to worry about being loved because we ARE Love. Our new world is all about LOVE.

We are still going thru expansion and contraction, opening our hearts as far as we can and feeling the vulnerability that presents. And pulling back when it feels like too much. And feeling the times when the heart opens spontaneously on its own into happiness and joy, knowing that’s where we want to be. That’s where we’re headed, one brave step at a time as we surrender more and more to our own divine power to create peace and happiness and connection on our New Earth. We’re the ones creating this, and we’re owning that more in every moment.

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