There’s a virus in our midst and we’re all being stressed right now. It’s bringing up a whole lot of stuff—fear, anger, uncertainty, questions and many kinds of challenges. It’s also creating community, as those who’ve been told to stay home are finding ways to connect. We’ve seen videos from Italy showing people singing from their balconies. People in France applauded health care workers from their balconies and windows. In my community, people out for walks and rides stop and chat from a safe distance. More people are checking in with friends and so on. We’re all having this experience, around the world, as more countries close borders and shops and schools and businesses. We can stay home and we can go to the store, but mostly we can stay home, until things reach resolution.

From the first moment I heard about this, I also heard from some of the beings I work with, who let me know there’s no need to worry. The virus itself has been mitigated. But do follow the protocols for your area. We can all contribute to shortening the duration and impact of this.
We’ve been talking about creating the New Earth. That’s been my focus for some time now, ever since I first glimpsed it one day a few years ago on a walk. But I don’t think any could foresee exactly what that would entail. My sense is, we are in the phase that we heard was coming, the tsunami of change. And for those of us who have been working on our evolution for some time, it’s now time for us to hold the vision, be the calm, and shine the light that we’ve been integrating.

There are hurdles to cross. Years ago when I traveled from France to Spain on the train, at the border everyone had to get off one train and onto another because the tracks changed size. That’s what I always felt we would go thru in creating New Earth. We get off of what we have and move onto our new. Who’d have dreamed it would look like this? Yet around the world, many are having a similar experience, pulling in, staying home, stopping the busyness, not having the distractions available as they were. What is it we do when we’re left with ourself?
It’s as if everything we’ve had and have done, we are stepping away from, if just for a time, in order to move into something new. I’ve mentioned before the Peruvian Q’ero, who talk about the Pachacuti, the time when the world turns over and is made new. They believe this happens every 500 years. Their world turned over when the Spanish arrived, and now it is turning again. Light to dark, dark to light. This is a clearing of the controlling forces that have tried to contain our light.
What I’m also feeling is everything is totally slowing down, almost coming to a stop. And then it will restart. Symbolically, this is like the circle of life—it circles all the way in, then back out. Things have become still, as if nothing is taking place. We are crossing into the new, which we have been creating now for some time.

When everything comes to a stop, it begins again, yet from a higher frequency. We are moving thru that now.
So we want to stay as calm as we can, as collected as we can, and in our hearts. When we feel fear, we want to remind ourselves that we’re safe, and move back into that frequency that we are creators. We’re powerful beings, and we’ve prepared for just this time. Whatever the challenges, we can meet them. We can remember to hold the highest frequency we can, hold it, anchor it, share it. I’m seeing so much love and caring emerge from people now that I encounter. They’re asking how I am, do I need anything. On my evening bike ride, a neighbor I know slightly, who was walking and talking on her phone, stopped me, put her phone away and said, Are you doing OK? Do you need anything? Let us know, we’re happy to help. It was sweet, it was heartfelt. She said her husband was still working but that his job might go on hiatus too. “We’re all in this, she said. “It’s touching every one of us.”
We’re transitioning into the heart-based consciousness. Every person I have talked to is saying they have never been thru anything like this in their life. That is true. And we are going thru it, right now. Something new is birthing.

See if you can step back from the craziness, the intensity, the fear, and feel what is taking place. There is a huge shift in our consciousness, in who we are, like a parting of the seas. And yet subtle. Each one of us has an opportunity to choose something new, to let go of what we were doing, what we thought was important, to embrace living in a new way, connected, united, supporting each one, and unified with the earth. We make that choice, we begin to live from our hearts and do what we love from a higher frequency.
Remember in the last blog, we were told to get ready to shine our awesomeness, our light, out to the rest of the world. So let’s do that. Connect with the earth and all her kingdoms, the plants, the trees, the animals, the insects, the rocks, the crystals, the water, the whales and dolphins, the elementals, because they are joining us now. Invite them to join you as you picture our new planet. Feel the energy of what is taking place, beyond the fear. Feel the expansion, feel the potential. Invite it into your own being. Align with your highest essence. Your own new Self.
Let us emerge from this as the divine lit-up beings that we are, as the powerful creators we’ve become. Those of us who have moved into this frequency have aligned with our divinity and are seeing that what we speak about is being created. These new creator selves are the templates that we can all move into. So now, when you have been given the gift of dialing back, of having time to reassess, think about who you are and who you want to be, and what you want your planet to be like. Imagine the best possible world you can. Shine your awesomeness with your whole heart. We truly have no idea how powerful we are. But we are about to experience it. Together we can make this happen.
I sense a strong center of Love from where you are sharing, and this is where we all need to hang out now, in this heart center. I was watching a movie with my husband a couple evenings ago and caught this line: “Thank you for lending your light to mine and together we will shrink the darkness”. Isn’t this beautiful! Let’s all step into the Light together.
Melinda, that is beautiful. I’ve noticed how many times movies have specific messages and sometimes they’ll even sound like they’re said louder than the rest of the dialogue. But when we hear them, they impact us and we feel the truth.
That is so true. It was an English movie with thick accents and yet I easily heard that line. It jumped right out at me.