This Evolutionary Event

We are in this time of challenge, a time that we knew would come, a time of awakening and opening to our new Selves and creating our new world. We knew there would be upheaval and change, yet we did not know exactly how that would look. But we have felt it coming for some time, like the rumbling of a storm in the distance. Now we are in this unusual experience and as we watch it unfold, we still don’t know how it will all shake out and how this evolutionary event will look. Just like with a storm, we’ve taken shelter. We’re asking questions, we’re looking for answers. Major struggles for control are taking place, blame is being cast and truth is appearing. It feels like a planetary purge, a release of so much that was held in the shadows, and there is so much we still don’t know.

Ultimately, we are moving beyond the world that we knew. We’re moving beyond the limited experience that we had. We’re moving beyond the structures put in place to control. We’re moving beyond the “power over” scenarios, because true power lies in us becoming aligned with our truth. We’re launching into freedom and sovereignty, into living from our heart-centered wisdom. The seed of who we are, that we have carried within us for so long, is sending out roots and sprouting, and we will see our new Self emerge in its uniqueness, its beauty, and its divinity.

We’re launching into freedom and sovereignty.

Many of us have been working on this for such a long time, clearing our old worlds, physically donating things that we no longer resonated with, clearing our inner worlds of old patterns and beliefs. We were guided by the feeling that something wasn’t right, that the world needed big changes to put it back on track. We’ve had visions of a future time. I didn’t realize, until I saw photos of cities with deserted streets this week, that I had visions of that long ago. But I thought, and it was disconcerting, that the people were gone. It’s good to know they’re just indoors. In the last week, several people have told me they’re starting seeds for their gardens indoors. Such a wonderful metaphor, they’re starting more than they know.

This morning I checked the mainstream news on my phone. Nothing I could read, everything very negative and fear-focused. Then I checked some alternative news on YouTube. Some saying this, some saying that. I realized I wanted to read some good news. I walked into the kitchen and got a drink of kombucha. When I took the lid off the bottle, these words were written inside the cap: The future looks bright. Ahh, some simple, to the point, good news. Thank you, just what I asked for. We are creating all the time.

Some simple good news.

It’s a reminder to keep envisioning what we want to create. I’ve begun to have dreams of the New Earth, and I wake up filled with happiness. That happiness is becoming more and more a part of who we are. We often say that something makes us happy. Nothing outside of us is causing this new, emerging happiness. It’s just there, arising from inside of us, an essential part of the makeup of our new Self, that new Self that is sprouting within, unfolding leaves, budding, showing itself now.

And as you feel this new Self, you will be unable to contain it. You will notice how the ways you held yourself back in the past, you no longer can do. This Self is showing its truth and beauty, its joy, its knowing, its love. It’s directly connected to the earth, and you may find yourself talking to the trees and the ferns and the spring flowers. The birds, the squirrels, the chipmunks, the bees. It’s deeply connected to the stars, and you may feel the zing of the light of those stars in the night sky as you take in the power of that connection.

We’re waking up in so many ways. We’re seeing things in a new way in all this new light. We’re feeling contentment in spite of the turmoil in the outer world. We’re appreciating simple things, a bouquet of rosemary on the table, the sunlight outdoors, the budding lilac.

We’re appreciating simple things, a bouquet of rosemary on the table, the sunlight outdoors, the budding lilac.

In this pause, in this reset, this disentanglement from all things old, take a moment every day to pull back from all the fear and provocation out there, to pull back in, to center yourself, to feel your new Self emerging. Ask to connect, to reconnect, feel the connection, feel the love that is within you for yourself and your new Self. Feel the power of this cosmic moment. Release the resistance, allow the emergence. Be open. Be three years old again, exploring and welcoming all the newness. Be inquisitive. We don’t know everything, we don’t have all the answers. What we do have is this incredible new potential from which to launch ourselves and to discover what awaits. We can’t create from what we already know. We can only create from our beautiful heart center and All That Is emerging in us now. Our inherent truth, awesomeness and wisdom, our sovereignty and grace. When we drop into this and allow, the magic emerges, and we are surrounded by more love and beauty than we can even imagine.

2 thoughts on “This Evolutionary Event

  1. Thank you Terry, we need all the encouragement and upliftment we can get. Staying focused on what we want to create is sometimes hard.
    Much love and blessings to you,

  2. Hi Gayle, nice to hear from you here. It is a challenge to stay focused but just remembering to do it some of the time helps. Gradually it becomes just part of what we do. And then it all gets easier. Thanks for all that you do. Much love to you too.

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