Being the Catalyst

We came here to do something SPECIFIC, something GRAND, something HUGE. This was beyond our understanding years ago, but now we are seeing it. We are here to embody an entirely NEW way of BEING. We are embodying it, anchoring it and sharing it with all. And our presence around others helps them to come into the new, by the very power of our frequency. Our frequency is a catalyst, the catalyst, the reminder to those we come into contact with that they are also here for something grand, not thru our words, but thru the frequency we are holding and emitting. We have literally battled our way thru the trenches to get here, facing challenges, facing our own doubt and the doubt of others, being misunderstood and even isolated because of our mission. All that is changing now, finally, as we become the catalyst.

And while this is not visible to those still in the 3D, who are still using their minds to navigate and figure things out, it is visible to those of us who’ve moved into the feeling energy of the New Earth. We have times when we feel it, when we experience it, and when we see it. We’re definitely experiencing the fluidity/creational aspect of it. Creation is often immediate now. We need something, it appears, we speak something, it happens. The more you’ve cleared your own personal 3D patterns, the more space there is for this to happen, until finally, spaciousness to be is what we experience.

We’re definitely experiencing the fluidity/creational aspect of the New Earth now.

One big challenge we’ve faced is being misunderstood by family members. In the past we may have been called the black sheep because we didn’t fit in, and we didn’t know why we didn’t fit, yet there was always a knowing of a different way, always guidance in some form encouraging us even if we didn’t have all the answers.

Thus we have held to the path, held to what we have known inside, because it is a truth that shines brightly. We have finally stopped trying to fit in, stopped trying to be accepted, because we not only see the futility of it, we see the PATH of TRUTH lit up under our feet. And we feel the knowing that has always been within is now becoming who we are. This is so important. We’re grown into our Selves. We’ve expanded into the possibility that was always there. Once we’ve tuned into the inner knowing, we no longer need the external input. We no longer give away our power to allow anyone else to determine who we are or what we are here to do. Our power is our internal presence activated by our own template, our own DNA. Our activated Self is the guidebook we’ve been looking for. The more light we hold, the more the guidebook is illuminated. Feel the showers of light coming now.

All this is because the energy is now supporting this. These intense energies coming to Earth are making this possible, causing our DNA to become crystalline, then rainbow. Our rainbow DNA opens the doorway to multidimensionality. We step away from the limitations of linearity. We lay claim to our new essence. This rainbow light is the light of the new world, and it’s emanating from us.

We are now the new beings, and we might sometimes feel like strangers in a strange land as we try to make sense of what’s happening all around us, and as we try to have conversations with others who are locked into the old belief system with a steadfastness that makes our eyes tear. We wonder why they can’t see what is clear and obvious that is now out in the open. But they are getting there, as more light enters their own systems and flushes out old embedded programming and activates their baby-fresh templates. I am watching it happen. It is like a trickling stream, babbling over the rocks as it heads for the dramatic waterfall ahead. Yes, there is more to come.

This process continues to have its challenges: the days of being tired, the times the brain is not working, times of feeling sad, angry, done and over it. But it also has its rewards, the insights, the clarity, the physical evolution, the happiness and the simplicity. And learning that we can create so much in an effortless way, and live in a very different way, anchored into this new timeline of freedom.

We embrace freedom: freedom to be, freedom to do, freedom to say, freedom to choose. This is the essence of the New Earth as we establish our Selves in this space. Freedom.

For all who are ready to embrace their purpose and to be who they are meant to be, to enter their fullness of this time on Earth, as we bring into being the New Earth, you can say this:

I am here to be and do and uphold what I am here to be and do and uphold. I am here to be the light of the New, to be the embodiment of the New, and to be the wisdom, joy, happiness, balance and peace of the New. I have within me everything I need to create this.

We want to make it clear who we are and why we are here, so we are not equivocal about this.

The time to move into our power is now, as all things come up into the open to be reformed and remade. We are now being given the ability to see what is and what has been, in order to see and say what we want. As creators, we bring this into being by our own dreaming of how we want the world to be, a place where we can be who we are, without fear, without judgment, where we can be sovereign beings infused with light, guided by light, and expressed thru light.

Watch what happens when your heart opens to Love.

In the New Earth, we live beyond the limitations we were given in the old earth, because this is what freedom means. Our ability to choose to be free is our green light into the new. Watch what happens when you open your heart to Love. The light turns green. You move ahead into your own expansion, into what you have always wanted to experience.

5 thoughts on “Being the Catalyst

  1. I feel the embodying of this new energy happening, and it feels very powerful and expansive. I like what you said, “feel the showers of light coming now.” This is the light of us all shinning our truth brightly.

  2. Melinda, thank you. Interestingly, I actually experienced those showers of light as I was writing the post, like rain made of light. It was amazing to see and feel, and it shows that when we put ourselves into the energy, we are able to experience even more of it, and experience it in new ways. So glad you are feeling the embodiment.

  3. “I am here to be the light of the New…I have within me everything I need to create this.” Wow, a powerful message and my new affirmation. Thank you.

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