Expanding and Contracting

We’re going thru expansion. We are expanding, contracting, expanding some more, contracting a little. But we never contract back to where we were. So even in those uncomfortable moments when we do contract, we want to remember the expansion is occurring. Relax, rest, take care of your Self. And enjoy all the progress we have made, even tho we are not yet all the way there.

These energies are stirring things up, for sure, even and maybe especially things we thought we had dealt with. But deeper layers of these issues are emerging, so be gentle with yourself as you notice them.

One that’s come up for a couple people is taking care of yourself emotionally. Lots of us did not get the emotional care we needed growing up. And then we looked for it in others. And when that didn’t fix things, we looked for what else we could do. Ultimately, the one person who can meet your emotional needs is YOU. Because you are the one who knows you the best. And when you do meet those needs, by listening and learning just what those needs are and allowing anything you don’t need to be cleared, you eventually find that what you need is to be in your truth, your sovereignty and to respect and support your Self. That’s when you realize you’re OK, and all is well, and you’re not being run by unresolved emotional programs lying just beneath the surface of your reality.

We are being helped and supported to release all this emotional pain, which can show up as physical pain until it is addressed. Remind yourself: I can meet my emotional needs, I can take care of my Self, all is well. It is important to give ourselves new messages for our new reality, in order to create the space we want to live in.

The rainbow is making its appearance again, filling us with rainbow light.

We have reached a transitional point. Because we have embodied our new templates and the new energy, the frequency on earth is higher. We’re partnering with the earth to increase the vibe. This is bringing up a big, long overdue release in the collective, which is being uprooted from where it has been held. We’re seeing especially the release of fear and anger in many places. There were visions of this before it started, but it is still challenging to observe. That said, I have also been referred back to the protests of the late 60s. At that time, we were at the beginning of the Love wave (Make Love Not War) and we were challenging the old system. The colorful clothes and tie-dyed T-shirts were an expression of all the emotion that was felt about the new wave of energy moving thru the planet. The rainbow that made its appearance then is making its appearance now, filling us with rainbow light. That was the beginning of the end of the patriarchy, and what we are seeing now is the end. The patriarchy is collapsing, making way for the Divine Feminine. She is here now with all the new opportunities and potentials as we experience the power, the grace, the fluidity, and the sheer majestic awesomeness of her arrival. To be here now, to experience this taking place, is beyond words.

It is a completion, and a beginning. We lay down our axes, we pick up our wands. It is the end of “destructive” creation, where we destroy something to create something else, and the beginning of intentional co-creation, where we work with the energetic resources available to all who have moved into their new templates. We do not kill bees in order to grow food, we do not kill insects in order to have a yard. We live in connection and co-creation. A couple I know has just made their first garden. On one side is a small rock wall, and the minute it was completed, it was filled with lizards, who have just arrived in paradise, with rocks to sun on and bugs to dine on.

As I was doing a session with someone this week, we checked on an area where she had done some clearing last summer. She had returned to find the feeling very different, and when I tuned in, this had become a “heart center” for the earth. And it was pulsing out a completely different energy, a very high frequency to support our new creations and our new way of being. These are appearing now in many places, wherever the energy is already cleared. You may be noticing them.

The menu board with its new message.

When I met a friend for coffee at one of our favorite spots, which had just reopened, the menu board had new words on it, and I share that here. May you love your self, your new and returning Self, and may you love all those you are blessed to have in your life. And those you are blessed to share this incredible planet with, as we move into the new time, the new framework, the new experience, and as we each create our new worlds of love, harmony, peace, balance and happiness.

One thought on “Expanding and Contracting

  1. I was just remarking to my husband that this time we are in feels like the 60’s in some ways. Exposing injustice and releasing the old systems that no longer work. Your rainbow photo is amazing and filled with hope. Thank you!

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