As we embody our divinity, as we hold the light of all this incredible new potential that is actualizing around us now, we enter the new and we become the new. The New Earth is emerging from our collaboration with the powerfully transformative energies streaming in and the earth herself who is transforming with us. Together we are becoming new and creating the new space where we will be living, where we are living as some of us arrive in this space, finally. It’s been a long time coming.
I’ve been going back and forth between the old and the new for a long time, and then about 10 days ago, I popped into the new and haven’t been back in the old. It seemed to just happen. Picture you’re on a swing, swinging back and forth, and you swing higher and higher, and then you swing forward and stay there. You don’t swing back. You stay in the sort of weightless space and notice how different it is. And I definitely felt the difference. When it happened it felt as if it wasn’t possible to go back into the old anymore, so I’ve just been observing it. The old is still there, you can go out into it, but you’re not in it in the same way now. And wonderful and surprising things are happening in this new space. It’s all things we’ve had a taste of, but amplified. We definitely need new words for this new sound and light show.

This is what we’re creating, and this is what we’re coming to, each person arriving when ready and prepared. We prepare by releasing the old. We just cannot take the old with us into the new. And I had to release something I didn’t want to release, but then it came back to me in a higher frequency. Whatever we release is then freed to evolve into a higher state, and this is all for the good. So be willing to release everything in order for it to re-form in its new state: every belief, every idea, everything you base your reality on.
In this new energy, we feel light and happy. We feel inspired to be in this space and create more of it, for all to enjoy. We feel blessed and grateful, knowing we are making something new. And we see new things. How can I even describe this experience?
Here we are in our radiance, embodying and being enlivened by the new consciousness, moving thru our daily lives in the new flow. Our bodies are becoming powerhouses of divine inspiration, love and creation, because the connection to our divinity has been established.

On the night of the 24th, not long after I fell asleep, I dreamed I opened a stargate and anchored new energy and codes here. And then I woke up, so I remembered the “dream.” We’re doing so much work in our sleep even, it’s hard to believe. But this new energy, these new codes, are what we are experiencing now.
We have anchored in the divine feminine and now that this energy is established and ready to provide strong, balanced direction and leadership, the divine masculine comes to support. Both of these energies show up in beautiful and powerful ways. We are experiencing the flame of our divine feminine expanding into creative power, showing us what’s possible in our new formats. And we’re experiencing the love and compassion of the masculine divinity supporting us in ways never felt. This immense love and caring and support of the divine masculine was never available to us in this way before this time.
I just did a session with a new person, who was completely new to any kind of energy work. Yet she was brimming with the new energy, waiting to be activated within her. We can see now how much is taking place just beneath the surface. While there are orchestrated things seemingly happening in the outer world, what is harder to see is how much is taking place behind the scenes: the steady, unstoppable unfolding of the new. The old is simply giving way, and from the higher frequencies this can be seen. So while it is admittedly hard to watch, if we tune into our knowing, we can feel that all is well.
Each shift takes us higher, into more resonance and harmony with our Self. And in this now energy, we are there, even tho we are still evolving. But we have finally created a space that we can enjoy. And each person is being moved in this direction. Even those who are resisting to the best of their ability with their old tools will find those old tools are losing their efficacy in this transitional and transformational time.

One thing I am noticing is seeing rainbows everywhere, not in the physical, but psychically. So this light-feeling, rainbow-filled space has been quite enjoyable. And as we carry this energy within, we are activating those around us. We’re here to override the old with the new, and we do it in our every breath, our every action, by being who we are, our new radiant Selves. We’ve embodied our divinity, we’ve shifted our consciousness, we are the manifestation of the New Earth.
It’s awesome to anchor something this solid in the midst of so much old coming down. Continue to shine, all of you doing this work. And take a moment, too, to notice the progress we’ve made. We’re building our power and we’re holding it, in order to create in a brand new way, and to learn what we’re capable of in this whole new surrounding.