This has been a challenging week. First, the exhaustion. Just getting anything done… Altho I noticed when I went to do something it seemed to get done without too much problem. Then there was the sleeping, all night and then a nap during the day. We have been feeling the pull of the old, the weight of the old, the struggle that is taking place there, and this has caused stress, because so much now we are wanting to be able to do the things we like/need to do, like get a haircut or make a purchase of something needed or go out somewhere—and this week, there was more unavailability of things.
And it was just hard to muster enthusiasm. Everything felt drained and down. And motivation was missing.
As the week ended, the energy felt good again, and it’s always so great when this happens. Our bodies do need time to go thru this process, time to rest, time to shift, time to embody all the new energy.
I did notice this week the ease with which we are able to create. We think about something and it shows up. For instance, I’ve mentioned going to a local drum circle, which is on pause due to the Situation. On my bike ride Monday I thought, it would be fun to have a drum circle. Then I ran into someone who said, without any prompting from me, that she missed the drum circle. I suggested starting one in the neighborhood. She loved that idea and said her new neighbors were interested, as she’d already told them about the other one. I continued on my ride, and talked to another new neighbor I’ve gotten to know. Was she interested? Definitely, and she wanted to host it at their new fire pit. So in a matter of 15 minutes it had been thought about and dreamed into being with no effort whatsoever. That’s how things are happening in this new energy. We are able to create easily, whatever fits with the new.

So we held our first drum circle around the new fire pit, sharing together in this new way that we’re all getting a feel for. And everybody wants to do it again. But notice when you want to create how easily things can happen now. Our New Earth creations and our new way of being are being supported. We’re learning about being in this new timeline, learning to connect in new ways, remaining open to possibilities, and expressing our magnificence as we move into it.
Because this time is so challenging, we have to remember our strength and our personal power. We’re here now for a reason, because we can do what needs to be done and create what needs to be created. Even when we feel like things are hard, we can find the moments of reward and gratitude, the inspiration that is held within and only needs to be rekindled. Our divinity has been awakened and we have become aware that we are not separate from Source. We hold Source within, and this inner divinity has expanded to fill all the nooks and crannies once occupied by old patterns and beliefs. It becomes who we are, and this is why we spend time learning about our new Self. Our new Self holds the keys to the new experience. This is the one who came here to create, the one who plays in the magic, the one whose potential is beyond anything we have seen so far.
Our role is so important now, all of us who have come to create a new experience. We hold the resources required to complete this huge process, even as we just hold the light in our corner of the world. Because our light is a part of the greater light that is lighting up the planet now. We’re lighting everything up with our inner divinity. So do not get bogged down in the heaviness of the old world as it comes undone. Instead, focus on creating what you want to have in your new world. Focus on what makes you happy. Notice what’s taking place in the new now.

Don’t engage with the old energies that want to pull you in, that want to judge, that want to debate, that want to hang out in the fear, that want to tell you what to do, that want to make you wrong. Remain in your neutral space, because that helps everyone to deal with their own patterns being triggered. Follow your guidance for what feels right, for what feels comfortable for you. We each get to choose as we go thru this process of discovering and embracing our new Self, and creating the New Earth.
So, a message for us. We are very close to a switchover, for all those who are ready. There will be no letup in the intensity of the energy, as this level is needed in order to move into the new frequencies. Be very gentle with your Self. Allow your Self to rest. Nourish and nurture your Self. Move your body to move the energies. Consciously ground them into the earth. Connect with nature. Talk to her and notice how she is ever moving, ever creating, ever changing. Hold the new energy and bring your awareness to creating from your heart center. Focus there and feel how your whole being wants to be in this space, wants to create from this space, this space of Home.
We’re discovering how strong we are and we’re using this strength to hold the frequency of Love here. We’re doing it with all our might, choosing Love over fear, over judgment, over anger, over all the lesser emotions that just serve to bog us down in struggle. And we’re doing it, every time we don’t engage in the fight. We choose it for our Self and then we hold it for everyone, so that everyone can see the light of this new Love and what it creates for us. This is what we’re doing, even tho it looks like we’re sitting on the couch, going for a walk, riding our bike and getting groceries. We’re holding the new frequency and anchoring it here so that we can all live in a new way.