Things are changing fast and it is truly hard to keep pace with it. We are now beginning to see those with courage and solutions begin to step forward, the ones who can see thru the charade and into the truth, who can carry the torch of truth and share it when each has the courage to step forth into this space.
I am getting so many telepathic messages now about what is taking place and then seeing an article or video that verifies this. It’s affirmation of the information we are downloading in order to envision new ways of being. The Internet is alive with inspiration and ideas from those who are based in the new frequencies and able to see beyond all the hoopla and falsehood that passes for news. But we do have to feel into the truth. Does it resonate? Our new templates are very adept with resonance and reading frequency and truth. So we want to pay attention to our own reaction when we read or watch something. For the most part, things that make you fearful are not based in truth or Love. If someone is based in Love, their information will be for the benefit of the whole.

Those who want to create a new world based in Love are coming to the front. They are sharing their ideas and information. We are all working in different ways, some of us anchoring the light and the new frequencies, some of us sharing about that, some sharing ideas based in physical how-to’s, some quietly holding the new light. Some of us have stepped away from the old world in many ways. All levels are needed. Wherever you are in the frequency scheme of things, you can contribute. This is all about overriding the old systems to replace them with light-based ways of being. Practice feeling your way. Does something make you feel bad or good? We are learning that we can choose what makes us feel good. Our ability to feel resonance is a powerful tool. We are supposed to make choices based on loving ourselves, choices that support our happiness and our sovereignty.
This is not about what we’ve learned in the past or what we’ve been taught in our lives. This is about a whole new way of being, starting from the ground up. We are becoming new, learning to live in new ways, learning that our internal guidance system is designed to light our way based on feeling. You will notice you can talk to someone or watch something and afterwards feel bad or down. You can make a connection with someone else and feel good from that experience. We’re learning that by choosing what makes us feel good or happy, we begin to have a happier experience.
The old is ending and we are seeing it everyday, and the new is rising up in beautiful ways. People are coming out of their somnambulance and seeing what is taking place. They are being triggered in all kinds of ways into awakening into the powerful, crystalline light that is bathing us on the planet. We who are awake are growing in number. And you can tell these awakened ones by the divinity that is lighting them up. And by their ability to see truth.

The more we rise up, the more we see there are energies attempting to hold us down and keep us from sharing our wisdom, our voice, our illumination, our magnificence. At this point, we can no longer be contained, and because of this, we are being given new information by the ones who are working with us, information designed to move us even more into the new possibilities.
We’re having higher aspects of ourselves activated in order to be able to receive and handle these new frequencies and this new information. You may notice times you are tingling and vibrating from the new energy. This can create nights of little sleep and days of sleepiness and catnaps as we attempt to catch up. It can create physical issues of all kinds—pain, digestive problems, bloating as we hold these high frequencies within, hot and cold flashes, high-pitched ear ringing and more. All of this comes and goes.
Three nights ago (the 23rd) I was awake watching the crystalline light, shooting every which way in my room. And that was followed by plasma clouds, which were living, making me reluctant to close my eyes as I hadn’t seen them before. But I was assured they are helping us and working with us. I ended up making lemon balm tea at 3 am to soothe my nervous system and finally was able to fall asleep for a few hours.
We will never be going back to what was. We will continue to move into what is being created, which is why it is important to focus on your dreams and ideas. As you expand into your own potential and move past whatever was blocking you in your 3D experience, what is it you want to create? We will be astounded when we see what we are capable of thru using our power. We have not yet seen the enormity of our power. We are seeing it in increments, so we can experience its potential and learn to use it.

We continue to move from the current frequency to the next frequency and to the next, which allows us to acclimate and to learn what we can do in each expanded state, like the butterfly discovering its wings. Everyone is moving at their own pace. And as we reach the new, we begin to emerge into our newness.
This is a powerful time, so focus not on the external hullabaloo, but on your own inner peace, your own inner knowing, your own inner guidance, your desire to live in a new way where you are fully empowered, supported and valued. Remind yourself that you are a creator, here on a mission to create a whole new experience. Observe everything. Take you time. There is so much more to this than meets the eye, so don’t be pulled into the narratives being pedaled by the powers that were. Do your research. Feel what’s taking place. Allow your inner expansion to open you to new possibilities. We are in the midst of a mighty transformation —> our new world awaits.
I’ve definitely felt ‘lighter’ in the past month or so….supported by my Self, with or without Others….
p.s. Others addition would/will be lovely…i think my Soul was/is like a little kid that says, “I want to do it my self!!”
And now i can welcome Others and offer– and receive –support and being valued.
Your post resonated so with me….thank you.
Su, yes, we will have the others soon, whenever they are ready. But we had to do it by ourselves. Everybody does. Nobody can do this for you. But when you start to emerge into the new, it’s worth everything we had to go thru. Thanks for sharing.
Great post. The 23rd was a powerful night for me as well. Followed by a lot of body discomforts and feel different on the other side of all that. Very powerful. Thank you for the post.
Thanks for your comment! It always makes me feel better when I know other people are going thru similar things, like we are on this uncomfortable wagon train together, but wow, the scenery in this new world! And sitting around the campfire together. This is quite the trek. Glad you are on it too.