We continue with this process, some days feeling the heaviness and stuckness of the old world, some days moving again into the lightness of the new. There are highs and lows, challenges and moments of happiness. Yes, the old still pops its head in, but the new is more available than ever.
Our intuition is becoming such a valuable tool, giving us info about what’s coming in our own world. This is why it’s important to begin to trust it and follow it. I went through this several years ago in my own process as I brought mine back online. I made an agreement at that time to follow whatever the guidance was. And in the beginning it can be difficult to know what is guidance and what is your own thoughts. Again, as we practice, it becomes more obvious. But the more we practice it and use it, the more we will see how it works. And then when we do hear something, it is important to not ignore it. Pay attention. Honor it. Respect your intuition as one of your tools.
In the beginning of bringing my intuitive powers back online, I was occasionally shown things that I did not feel were helpful, such as a plane crash that was going to happen a long ways from me. So I said, to my own team, I want to be shown and informed about things that relate to me and that I can also help others with, things I can do something about. That was very helpful in my own process, and I did begin to get info that was useful for me.
So I’ll share something that just happened. About a month ago I had stopped to visit a friend and her husband. Her father had just died and they were tending to all the details of his estate. She said it was lovely to take a break. They had a stack of real estate listings on the table and they told me they were looking for a new house, since they no longer needed so much space. At first I thought they were leaving the area, but they wanted to stay in this community. The problem is, she said, these houses (she picked up the fat pile of listings) are not what we want. I told them there was a house for sale that had been taken off the market during this whole unsettled time. “You could call and find out if they still want to sell. It’s a perfect house for you,” I said. She called the next day, they went to see it, and they bought it. She called to tell me the good news. And she was so pleased, because no one was in a rush. It gave her time to work thru all the details she needed to attend to.
The house they bought belongs to some people I know but haven’t seen in quite some time. So on my bike ride a couple days ago, this couple who sold the house popped into my mind, and I heard they would be stopping by with a gift. It was just a slight, brief transmission. And it seemed random, but these are happening now all the time. And then the following day, I saw them drive by while I was out for a ride, and I wondered why they were on my road.

When I got home, I found a vase with flowers and a thank you card from them. It was a thank you for connecting them with the couple who bought the house. And also in the card was a gift certificate to a local business. I was surprised and touched, and yet I had gotten a message this would happen.
Lately the messages coming in have a timeless quality, like they drift in and I’m not sure when I heard them, was it today, last week, last year? I think this is because we are now able to work outside of linear time. More progress in this evolution.
My own business has been impacted by what’s taking place with this uncertainty and craziness related to the virus, so I’m grateful for gifts that come out of the blue. A good friend just got furloughed on Friday, two other friends were furloughed in March, a neighbor lost his job, all from this craziness. Many are impacted right now. There is a lot of trust involved in this process. We trust and we continue doing our service work for the good of all, anchoring the new energy and creating the New Earth. Because we will move into a time that is more balanced and equitable, where all have their needs met and all recognize their own worth and all begin to see the value of contributing to the whole.
When my old bike recently broke another spoke, I went to look at new bikes. And I was very surprised when my son and his wife gifted me with a new bike, the first new bike I’ve had since college. Wow, it’s shiny and clean and everything works like a charm. This was totally unexpected. It reminded me of the bike I saw in the hardware store when I was 10. I wanted that bike intensely, and when I went back a few days later to look at it again, it was marked SOLD. I was so sad. On Christmas morning, my brother and I got up and were looking at what was under the tree when my parents said, could you go check to see if the coffee is ready? When I went in the kitchen, there was my bike. It was shimmering like something from a dream.

Bicycles have always felt like freedom to me, and to have a new one now in a beautiful platinum brown color is a further expression of that freedom. I wrote about freedom in my last post. Freedom is one of the things we are connecting with now, the freedom to be our authentic, true Selves, the freedom to step out of limitation. This freedom is what has opened for us. And even though others may not understand it, it is important for us to embrace it. And as we continue to release whatever kept us from being free, we will experience it more and more, in all kinds of ways.